Post purchase buyers etiquette .


New member
Dec 26, 2012
Ont . Canada
I am completely aware that purchasing a used sled is always buyer beware (caveat emptor ) but at what point are you entitled to calling the guy you bought the sled from and saying " look you're a blatant liar ? Obviously there is always going to be certain things that fail on used equipment but I'm talking about major issues that have been meticulously disguised in order to make an easy sale . And then the little lies to questions you ask that wouldn't have cost him the sale but that you asked just to put a millage count on certain components . I am admittedly whining here but also just wonder how others handle these situations . I know when I sell something I usually almost scare the customer away with honesty but I'd rather that than the alternative.
Well i hate to say it ...but I don't think it will get you anywhere...just suck it up ,fix it right and ride it
Some people just don't care when they are selling stuff...most likely he won't answer or will hang up on you
I myself couldn't do that to someone I make sure it's running great with out any problem

Good luck with it
I'm a firm believer in karma, keep your head high and fix what you have to fix. I bought a Polaris Ranger 6x6 off craigslist that was a total scam, it sucks there are dirt bag people in this world. Things get worse when you stoop to their level.
I sold a 02 sxr with 4000 miles on it this year at a loss, that I had bought late last spring from a dealer I put about 100 miles on it last spring and then put it in my garage and cleaned the shit out of it and fixed every little thing I could find including re clutching it because the moron who owned before me had the thing twisting over 10,000 rpm, so anyways a couple weeks after the sale I got a call from the buyer that the clutch had gernaded after putting about 170 miles on it, note when I had the clutch apart I never noticed any cracks in the movable sheave, but I felt I was still at some kinda fault so I did all the labor for free which included pulling the crankshaft out and sending it out to get fixed.(pto end shaft got bent) and in the end the buyer was happy that I helped him out instead of turning my back on him.
Ya for sure just venting I guess . I looked at several that claimed to be clean but after driving for several hours turned out to be junk . The one I bought wasn't perfect but very restorable . Paint was extremely well done ....... Turns out when I had the skid out for servicing I found where the tunnel had been tin tapped straight again from a serious crash and that the meticulous paint was hiding body filler that popped off when I tightened the susp bolts . I'll give him credit there was not a ripple or sanding mark on the body work to indicate any foul play . Factory Yammi stickers paint colour and all . Imo it would have been less work to replace the tunnel . Ha live n learn I guess .
Ya I would say you went above and beyond . That sort of thing is for the most part bad luck and unforeseeable . Certainly not anything you cleverly disguised . Good for you . Good karma will hopefully come back full circle too .
Last winter I bought a 79 srx off a "Buddy" that was complete but not show quality . I paid full market price for it based on his claim that it had a complete fresh rebuild ( he confirmed with a straight face : rebuilt fresh crank , pistons , rings etc) after 100 miles the crank broke .... No biggie these things happen . Except for the fact that upon inspection it was revealed that the rebuilt crank was in fact a rusty stub shaft that was pressed in via bench vice and a torch and the cylinders had more aluminum than chrome and the cases had seen more than one catastrophic failure and should have been trashed two rebuilds ago . On the upside I met an extremely generous person on VS that set me up with an amazingly clean and properly rebuilt engine at less than market value . So I guess everything has a silver lining .
Sleepnfast, ya been there and done that. Recently, as a matter of fact. Bought a 2009 phazer last winter that I soon learned (after the sale and a few hundred miles of travel time) had a bunch of undercarriange damage that the seller "neglected" to mention. Ya, mint my A**. Called the seller and he acted "shocked" to hear about this.

Bottom line is this, if the seller had any integrity they wouldn't sell ya a lemon. So getting them to come clean after the fact and make it right is usually wishful thinking. 09Nytro is right, chalk it up to experience and move on.
The sad part is things like all of those do happen and you end up having to live with it. To me if a seller really know his sled, in this case, he will tell you every default about it. No matter how perfect a sled is there is usually minimal things here and there the owner usually will know about.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if a seller makes EVERYTHING seem perfect, walk away. Don't get me wrong I'm sure there is some cases where that is true. But IMO a straight up person will tell you defects, even in a perfect sled.

Don't get me wrong though, I've been victim to the same kinds of things. Not quite as major but little minor issues I wasn't told about. It just sucks sometimes.
Ha Ha you know I think the biggest let down is my personal set of credentials I have for sellers to meet . And the SRX seller met most of them a major one was how the rest of his gear and shop was kept. all was show room quality and shop was eat off the floor clean . I've always liked buying used stuff off guys like this . Lol in fact when we left with the sled I told my buddy " he's not the kinda guy I wanna drink beer with but deffinately the kinda guy I like buying stuff from". I guess next time I'll take my dog as a character judge .
Well.....being nice, or helpful after the sale can come back and bite you.
I had a situation where I was given a car to put rear brakes in and to sell by some relatives. They lived in a rural area, were in college, and didn't have time to mess with it and just wanted it gone. The deal was I was to put brakes in, sell it, and they would give me half of the sale. Why not right?
I fixed the brakes, and the exhaust and sold it. It was a cheap $600 vehicle that was VERY solid at twice the price and then some. I told the people the whole situation. I was basically contracted to fix what I was told to, and sell it.
The people were first. Then a week later I became married to the vehicle. They called me about this and that. For weeks!!! Started calling me at work, and wanting me to look at this or that for them. I mean seriously people?!? Finally after the third week I had enough and put the kibosh on the whole thing and basically had to be downright mean to the lady and tell her to leave me alone.

As far as the poo I bought for my kids. I don't think the kid was being dishonest as much as he was just some ignorant punk kid and didn't know any better. He must have been all of about 17-18. His mother was really nice and told me to call with any questions or problems I had. I would have liked to bitch a little, but I never have.
What I'm GOING to do when it's perfect, is just send the kid a picture of what the machine he sold me is like now, and tell him what I did to it. It won't get me anywhere, but it will be at least a little F.U. to the kid if he DID try to take me. At least I'll feel better. :-p
For sure a lil in your face just to let him know that you know . I have absolutel no problem with things that go wrong if it was a result of just poor mechanical ability . I bought an extremly clean 02 Viper this winter as well . After 600 km the crank was gone . Turns out ( as much my fault for not cluing in to it using very little oil: 250ml/ 40l fuel) that when he put a bar riser on it he added a mountain viper oil cable and never adjusted it . Although upset at my luck I never squeeked a bit to the seller as I know with out a doubt it wasn't intentional or something being hidden .
I bought a 99 srx 700 last year. Add clearly said "light cosmetic damage" Upon arrival right trailing arm had a 90 degree bend, hood tabs were snapped off, Center/RH belly pan mashed into/melted onto pipes, inner bumper/braces bent to hell and outter bumper busted clean off. Guy RAVED about how fast it STOOPID fast! Sled fired right up and sounded good, good comp. COuldnt check fault codes as wires melted into pipe as well. Asking price was $1250. QUICKLY he dropped to $900, Was stead fast as it had a FULL tank of premium ($50). I was pretty firm at $800, was about to leave when he agreed to $800. Paid him in cash...Hands me back a $20....Um okay? We had a few freinds in common and said he would like a pic when I got it back to rideable. Got it home, swapped hood harness to find tank on E and 7 flashes (PV fault code, Whole other thread) Found stator FUBARed. Called him just to tell him his buddy had syphoned tank and about stator, apologized and said he would make it right. Got sled back in mechanically sound shape(still has bad pans) and called to have him come take his own pics. Came by and took it around the back yard and was AMAZED on how even STOOPIDER faster it was. Handed me a $100 bill and apologized again, Hoping that was cool. Said Hell yeah...wasnt expecting any money! Bought a phazer two for a buddys kid from him a year later...KARMA! Had he just said "Bummer..your problem now I surely wouldnt have had a second deal with him
I got stiffed on buying two outboards,guys both said they were in great condition and run well.Well the first one wouldn't keep running.Turned out stator was fubar..what a liar.So was looking for the same motor to steal parts from,second motor I heard running,but when it was home found out it was only firing on 1 cylinder,coil was gone and looked like someone removed most of the motor and put things back with things missing,loose and such.At least got parts from one to the other and have 1 good outboard.Now I would never tell anyone the motor ran good and then sell it knowing the stator is shot..some guys are pure dishonest and don't care.
When I bought the 6x6 Ranger on craiglist the guy and his kid said they haven't used it for two years just parked it in the garage. When they went to get it going to sell it, it started fine but would move forward or backward. "It must be something small because it ran fine when we parked it". I figured it was frozen brakes or frozen clutches, got it home and the transmission was completely blown to pieces. It ended up costing me $1200 just in parts and 3 days working on it with a friend.
When I sell a sled I have all the maintenance records that I did on that sled for every year that I owned it. Even if I decide to trade it in the dealer is amazed on all the maintenance that I did on it. Dealer told me that he would buy any one of my sleds & in the past he has given me more money for my sleds then I can sell them for.
