When I am riding the SRX on a long pull,the speedo starts to hit 100 ,rpm's at 8500 and then the speed starts to drop back down to 95 while still on the throttle.Has stock clutching with the exception of 4.5 g inner and 5 g outer.Springs all stock and 47 helix.I really am thinking this has to do with the 8DN-17641--01 belts starting to slip some at the top.This is all on hard pack on the river.
Active member
MONSTER, WHAT SECONDARY TWIST ? 3:16 (yammie tony)

red 2ndary at 80 twist with 47 helix.Went out today and did some good runs.I was hitting 105 a few times.Sometimes rpm staye around 8500,other long pulls rpm dropped to 82-8300ish and still hitting near 105..this is all on a rolling run.Tried once at a standstill and it pulled to 8500 and stayed there to 105.So on a rolling run the rpm dropped some.I was thinking maybe add .5 g washer to the 4.5 inner rivet and remove the .5 washer in the outer 4.5 rivet should help.This will be for next year as I have no more rivets.But the SRX was really pulling good today.good midrange to top
Next season I think I will go back to stock suspension(short travel),go with a stock lug track height with maybe 120 studs.Should gain my speed back.
Next season I think I will go back to stock suspension(short travel),go with a stock lug track height with maybe 120 studs.Should gain my speed back.
That does sound like... you guessed it, a powervalve problem. Look at them again.
I feel sorry for you, I hit 190(118 mph) three three times today on a snow covered river.
To put your speed in perspective, I've ridden a stock 01 SXR 700 with a 1,25 track and hit 170 (105,65 mph) as often as I wanted to.
I feel sorry for you, I hit 190(118 mph) three three times today on a snow covered river.
To put your speed in perspective, I've ridden a stock 01 SXR 700 with a 1,25 track and hit 170 (105,65 mph) as often as I wanted to.
Hardpack on the river. Sounds like lubrication trouble. Slides start getting hot and slows you down.

no lube problem,got scratchers working.As long as I can do 100 for a few second..is good enough for me,not racing anyone.
It is what it is,PV cables all good..She has great pull and tops out at 105..basically the long travel is killing some speed.Still like to ride her anyways,starting to learn more how to take it in the deeper powder and not get stuck and some climbing as well..
It is what it is,PV cables all good..She has great pull and tops out at 105..basically the long travel is killing some speed.Still like to ride her anyways,starting to learn more how to take it in the deeper powder and not get stuck and some climbing as well..
Use the 600 for deeper powder and such. The srx is useless for that, been there, done that. Still, even if long traveled, I would expect at least 110 mph from that sled, rode a 2000 srx, stock, except for long travel, and it did that easily.
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I would be concerned about the 8,500 RPM dropping down to 8,200. I have all stock with a new clutch and it goes to 8,500 and sometime creeps up to 8,600 but never back down, unless I fouled a plug.
I still think he should check the powervalves, or the pv motor

Doug, I'd go to the 4.5 loaded and live with a slight over rev on occasion vs the under rev on occassion. this is just my opinion, but your clutch set-up is not going to be spot on every day. I use heavy hitters for my trail set-up and instead of re-loading the weights for different conditions I have 3 helix's from the same manufacturer 2 degrees apart that I swap out for conditions. If you just want to run one set-up your best bet is to go with the 4.5 loaded set-up and live with the rest. otherwise reload your weights constantly or keep a host of springs and helixes to keep spot on for changing conditions.
Make sure none of the PV's are pulled thru, fully open the servo, disconnect wires and see if it still bogs down to 8,200.
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This time of year[early spring] can be a real beggar. We are used to riding our sleds at sub zero temps[free hp], and hard packed trails with high barometric pressures[more free hp].
Then spring rolls around...soft snow..higher temps...low barometric temps.
This all combines to make our sleds feel flat, slow, sick!
My 2002 SRX feels like a DOG right now compared to how it felt a couple weeks ago!
IMO...don't clutch, jet, callibrate, ect..a sled in spring conditions..unless you are actually racing.
Wait until next years normal winter conditions !
Then spring rolls around...soft snow..higher temps...low barometric temps.
This all combines to make our sleds feel flat, slow, sick!
My 2002 SRX feels like a DOG right now compared to how it felt a couple weeks ago!
IMO...don't clutch, jet, callibrate, ect..a sled in spring conditions..unless you are actually racing.
Wait until next years normal winter conditions !
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I experienced almost the exact same thing last night. Running on ice packed back roads though. From stop (or damn near) Hit it and bang on 8500 and stay there for as long as throttle was held. From a rolling start hit it bang on 8500.....settle back 83-8400 and stay there as long as throttle was held. Really wasnt lookin at the speedo but knew it was WAY TO FAST for where I was at(some of it less than 10ft wide). Any other yahoo doing the same from the other way and we would have had a problem! I just figured it was clutching. If it were a PV issue I doubt I/WE could hit 8500 like normal. It may all be in my head but it seems like I can "feel" it when PVs open @6500.

sideshowBob said:This time of year[early spring] can be a real beggar. We are used to riding our sleds at sub zero temps[free hp], and hard packed trails with high barometric pressures[more free hp].
Then spring rolls around...soft snow..higher temps...low barometric temps.
This all combines to make our sleds feel flat, slow, sick!
My 2002 SRX feels like a DOG right now compared to how it felt a couple weeks ago!
IMO...don't clutch, jet, callibrate, ect..a sled in spring conditions..unless you are actually racing.
Wait until next years normal winter conditions !
right on

sideshowBob said:This time of year[early spring] can be a real beggar. We are used to riding our sleds at sub zero temps[free hp], and hard packed trails with high barometric pressures[more free hp].
Then spring rolls around...soft snow..higher temps...low barometric temps.
This all combines to make our sleds feel flat, slow, sick!
My 2002 SRX feels like a DOG right now compared to how it felt a couple weeks ago!
IMO...don't clutch, jet, callibrate, ect..a sled in spring conditions..unless you are actually racing.
Wait until next years normal winter conditions !
Most of my winter was at 3 - 5 Celsius (36 - 42 F) and that was when I would hit 8,500. When it got dark, temp would drop to about 0 C, 32F and that was when I would see 8,600. Blue, what were the temps when you had it at 8,200?

the temps were around -8 C.It only happened that one time,usually if I pin it.it will stay at 8500-8600 all the way.That one time I was rolling and pinned it..went to 8500 and slowly started to drop to 8200ish..still at 105 mph.Later tried again and was around the 8500.Found it stayed up better when I launched from a stand still.

another thing,I am jetted richer also..01 jetting,should probably drop down 1 size..still would be up 1 size from stock.Will drop it back down when I take the carbs off in the Fall.
I have 01 jetting as well in my 2000 SRX. Sounds like could be something with your clutches. In -8 C, I would hate to see what RPMS my motor would hit. Never got that cold when I was riding. Was basically pushing corn snow the whole time.