Stock secondary clutch setting


Jan 31, 2013
Traverse City, Michigan
I'm messing with my '01 SRX 700 in the UP and don't have my manual with me. Spec page says to set secondary at 90 but I can't find which spring holes correspond to that setting. Can someone tell me what it is? Thanks!!!
Wizard said:
I'm messing with my '01 SRX 700 in the UP and don't have my manual with me. Spec page says to set secondary at 90 but I can't find which spring holes correspond to that setting. Can someone tell me what it is? Thanks!!!

You want to use holes 6 and 3, or 9 and 0
So #6 hole on helix and 3 hole on clutch makes 90
Thanks! I think I was in the user setup section when I saw 90. Duh! I guess I was reaching for something...anything (!) to change as I was digging around.

On Tuesday, in sucky mid 30's temps, my hesitation at top end issue that I've dealt with all year (which I thought I'd just fixed with a new TPS) turned into a flat out spittin' sputterin' disaster. At times I could only go 40, but I was leading a 9 sled group up here in Iron River with all our kids for spring break so I just dealt with it and pushed on. I literally got less than 5MPG and was beyond frustrated (pissed off was more like it). Wednesday I tore my carbs off, reset float levels, moved my clips to position 4 then set my secondary at 90 thinking that was stock.

Apparently the float levels were my big problem all along because yesterday in even higher temps my sled finally woke up. It rips from start to 95 (likely a lot more to go, but deer are everywhere up here so I backed off) and my mileage is back up over 10 mpg. This is literally the best it's ran since I bought it early last season (2011/2012). It pulls so hard from 40 to 80 that I couldn't stop doing it all seventy some miles of riding.

Now my only question is how accurate are the tachs because I'd dialed my primary in to the 8400 to 8500 range, but now with the HP up where it should be and/or because of the secondary being up at 90, it snaps instantly to 8900 and stays there pulling my arms off the whole time.

If it's not hurting the motor, I'd love to leave it, but if the tachs are dead on then I should probably put the secondary back to 80 and throw a little weight on the primary.

Any gurus have any comments on the accuracy of these tachs? I suspect when it cools down (next year) I'll find even more power and will have to make adjustments...but it's good to finally have this thing running like it should!!!
