Hello! New guy here, I bought a 02 SRX got it for $800, had a broken suspension, had axcess to a Viper skid so I threw it in and went riding. Not sure on the miles the odometer is broke, speedo and trip work. Prior to riding I cleaned the exhaust valves. Sled runs great on low end, but I can only get it up 7000 rpm and then it acts really doggy, 70 mph max and I 'm not even on the gas, squeeze er a little more and it jus blahhhhh. What should I look into? Not my first SRX, I had a 98 10 yrs ago and that thing ripped! Did a compression test and it is 115 across the bored, is that fine or is that low? Gearing is 23/38, just had them out last week to change a bearing. Thanks for any help!

sounds like a powervalve issue. did you adjust the cables, confirm there were no pull throughs, and confirm the servo was working?
How do you check to see if the servo is working? What do you mean by pull throughs? Been awhile since I worked on them

the cables can wear through the ends of the valves so they are no longer connected. When you adjust the cables either by idling the sled down below 900 rpms or with the adjustment harness the servo goes to full open to do the adjustments.

another thought, is the DCS light coming on when it does this?
DCS light comes on when I try to give er more, like I said only going 70 and squezze er then blah, yes DCS comes on.
i see the tech link on here for adjusting powervalves with a 2.5mm allen, do you do that while the sled is running and choke it our to get down to 900 rpm?
i see the tech link on here for adjusting powervalves with a 2.5mm allen, do you do that while the sled is running and choke it our to get down to 900 rpm?
Did you clean your carbs real good.
Did you clean your carbs real good.
No haven't done that yet, be on my list to do this summer when I work on it.
I had this exact issue and it was my float levels. Eliminate the simple stuff. I learned that the hard way. Get into your carbs, clean them good, set the float levels and clips to stock, make sure the jetting hasn't been mixed up and set the screws on the bottom of carbs. If you still have the same problem, bypass the TORS (just in case) and then try it with your TPS (a rotating sensor on the end of your carb rack that wasn't on your '98 ) unplugged because they can mess up your timing if they've gone bad. Your light will flash constantly with it unplugged but if it makes it run better then you have to calibrate it or replace it if it's out of spec'.

with your DCS light on thats the issue. I had a Viper here with a DCS issue doing the same thing. Hog right down to 7000rpm and blaah (that was a good description from you, made me think of the DCS issue) I never did figure it out. the owner messed with some things on his own and created an antifreeze leak and blew it up.
the Viper I was dealing with was modified so yours being stock should be easier to sort out.
here's where I'd start.
first like stated those carbs need cleaning.
second drain the gas out of the tank and put fresh premium in and go from there.
If the problem persists look at the DCS sensor and then the TPS sensor. (those were my next 2 steps before he went boom)
As far as the powervalves go: no you dont do the adjustment with the sled running. remove the servo cover. loosen cables. idle down and confirm servo opens. hit killswitch. put a mark on the servo housing that lines up with one or more of the slots in the pulley. do your adjustments while checking to make sure servo doesnt move.
the Viper I was dealing with was modified so yours being stock should be easier to sort out.
here's where I'd start.
first like stated those carbs need cleaning.
second drain the gas out of the tank and put fresh premium in and go from there.
If the problem persists look at the DCS sensor and then the TPS sensor. (those were my next 2 steps before he went boom)
As far as the powervalves go: no you dont do the adjustment with the sled running. remove the servo cover. loosen cables. idle down and confirm servo opens. hit killswitch. put a mark on the servo housing that lines up with one or more of the slots in the pulley. do your adjustments while checking to make sure servo doesnt move.