Where to get main Jets

ILVmax4 said:
Rustman- you have all the good sources figured out- cool link!

When main jets are almost $10, and pilots a little more, you start to look elsewhere. At my local dealer's prices it would cost about $96 dollars to change main and pilot jets in one of my sleds.
Holy, thats steep! My local dealer is charging $6.99 for pilots and $8.49 for mains and I thought that was expensive. It would cost me $51.08 to change pilots & mains on my SRX (10% tax here) - not bad if you can get it bang on the first time but can get expensive really quick if you have to keep making adjustments to get her dialed in.
Another question you might help me on. My needle jets or Tubes have differnt sizes as well. I can tell this by the Q number correct? I have a set that came extra with the sled that are Q-6's and what is in the carbs now are Q-8's. I'm assuming the Q-8's are bigger.
Honestly, I'm not sure. A good question though that I would enjoy hearing the answer to. I've never swapped a set, or had to figure out much about them other than raising or lowering them. You could take one of the q-8's out and compare it side by side to the q-6. Some accurate measuring tool may be needed, the differences could be minimal to the eye. A thinner, or smaller needle should allow more gas to flow, whereas a bigger/thicker needle would decrease the fuel flow.

Another question you might help me on. My needle jets or Tubes have differnt sizes as well. I can tell this by the Q number correct? I have a set that came extra with the sled that are Q-6's and what is in the carbs now are Q-8's. I'm assuming the Q-8's are bigger.
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Rustman I'm refrencing the tubes the part that the needle slides into and what the main jet screws into. Sorry if I was confusing. But I'm assuming the same thing as you were talking about with the needles, the larger the inner diameter the more gas flow the smaller the inner diameter the less gas flow.
Sorry, I got a little confused. But again, I'm not sure, never messed with them much either. I thought they were called nozzles? maybe?
