

New member
Mar 17, 2011
1700 feet stock sled 4.5 3.6 www 8dn20 47 at50 deg 121 mph back to back on witson lake ontario
This must be dream meter speeds or I call BS! Seen many stock SRX's set up very well run in 2000 ft organized radar runs. Nothing that fast. We will be looking for a place to test a new sled on Sunday. Let us know if you will be out we will bring our radar gun!
jabber800 said:
This must be dream meter speeds or I call BS! Seen many stock SRX's set up very well run in 2000 ft organized radar runs. Nothing that fast. We will be looking for a place to test a new sled on Sunday. Let us know if you will be out we will bring our radar gun!
hook......line.......and sinker! nice one.
only reply are dan and trav first off trav your sled went 108-109 on mud lake when the 2001 went 119 his name was andre now dan you calling me out im off tuesday wed i will show 2 fast srx u bring your gun because you dont think mine reads right i have not done this for a few years but i do own a osrf race licence as i ran ovals drags and cross country for 25 +years oh just so you no my name is phil leblanc me and andre will be there i wont have my light driver whith meas he has to work but it runs 120+''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' i ran those speeds in 1988 when no one could with a wildcat 124.5 i had the record for years before they could catch me the srx could run very high speeds i will prove it again and again
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Phil you Interested in running up against my 600srx? My 700 is down for repairs! Maybe you can give me a bit of an advantage if your that confident! LoL
Oh by the way Phil. I know the work you have done to your stock SRX! You told me when you were picking up parts from me. Nice try!
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If your sled is as fast as your reply then it must be blindingly fast. Punctuation is a lost art indeed.
ya I got pics of 118mph I ran that 108-109 in like 1200-1300ft and andre did not run no 119mph any day I was out there he was running pretty much my speeds he ran a 113 his best day and im 280lbs guy I aint smack talking no one just saying that would be nice to see 121 in 1700ft id be happy for ya phil and not sure about any lakes I was at whitson last week its getting pretty bad maybe mud lake tho
hey phil let me know iff you go out I would like to see that go and by any chance were you the one at whitson when I was there with my mach 1 and there was a mach 1000 with 800 in it was that your 2000 srx I saw
Trav we will be going out on Sunday for a few hours. I heard wahnapitie is still looking good. Going out there in the morning though before things get too soft. Probably have only 2 sleds. Valins Nytro and Shaun's f-cat. Won't likely bring the 600.
I was on Wanapatei yesterday. The lake is great and probably fast..... but the ice is pretty soft for traction....my Nytro just digs trenches. You could drag race by the shorelines though....its all smooth crust.
