Team helixes?


New member
Jan 25, 2004
upstate NY
I am looking through the team helixes looking for a full progressive helix and I can only find the angle I want in a .46 or a m helix,I know what a .46 helix is but what is a M helix,any ideas?I can have one cut but they want around 200.00 for a custom cut team helix.thanks-Harvey
are the reverse helixes the same other than haveing the reverse built in them?they have the angles I would like in the reverse helix.-Harvey
Don't reverse helixes have 3 different angles? I don't know anything about Team clutches, maybe them have 3 angles also?
regular ones have 2 diff angles on them,I thought the reverse ones have the opposite side of helix ramp machined for reverse,not really sure,may have to call team.thanks-Harvey
