viper spindle mod to SXR trailing arms


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
I know someone here years back replaced their stock SXR/SRX spindles with viper spindles and added on to the arm to accept the viper spindles.Does anyone know about this,can't find anything thru a search.Want to know what they used to extend the tubes on the arms and how they attached them.
I put Viper spindle on the 2001 SXR 128" track this year. I simply installed new trailing arms. However, you could also simply add a Sleeve to the bottom, of the SXR and weld to the existing tube. You will need Viper spindles and steering levers. Another idea, is to use the DLX spindles, They are the same length as the Vipers, but use the SXR steering arms. Al
that is true,
I have a complete set of spindles, arms, and cranks, or if have a set of blue billet arms for srx/sx style spindles and long tube spindles to match this style.

let me know if you want to convert.
when I am done my 144 conversion,not sure I will use drop brackets yet,heard that makes the sled more tippy..but if I even raise the back a little more,would probably need the front to climb in height as well.Just want to search for the cheapest way I can achieve this on the front.Its good to know there are parts out there to make it happen..thanks guys.
My rail/tunnel extensions will be here in around 2 weeks,will tear everything down and set up the skid/track.How much height do drop brackets achieve.Heard if you raise the back,the nose end will tend to dive and plough more into the deep stuff.I know ski's can solve some of this also.
Viper and SRX are set at different angles.. one is like 15degs and the other is 17 degs and the diameter of the spindle is also different.. My Viper has SRX arms and spindles found out the hard way wrecked it!
spindle diameter is the same, the difference is in the spline machined in the end. viper/apex/rx1 all use a finer spline, all other pro actions, use the thick spline. Any pro action non viper that uses long tube trailing arms, uses the large spline with long spindles.
I have both versions

you can also use apex spindles in srx short spindle trailing arms. viper and rx1 spindles will also interchange minus the snap ring.
the cranks that go on the fine spline are different between the viper and the 4 strokes, though they are the same between the apex and rx1

drop brackets decrease the handling of your sled on the trail, and in the powder will make it hook better. Your only going to a 144 so my guess is your not off trail that much. I wouldn't bother if your going to ride on trail mostly.

if you are going to drop the back, you definately will want to raise the front as the sled is going to rake down and really look like you just blew your shocks
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how did you find that..interesting.Ok so viper spindles and cranks are required and I would gain about an inch if need be.Here is the thing,if I go with Simmon's ski's as an example,I will drop down,so gonna have to do this mod to bring her back up again.Or I will have to look for a ski that won't drop the height.I still would want a 7 i width of ski at least.What mount system do the C&A razors have??
spindle diameter is the same, the difference is in the spline machined in the end. viper/apex/rx1 all use a finer spline, all other pro actions, use the thick spline. Any pro action non viper that uses long tube trailing arms, uses the large spline with long spindles.
I have both versions

you can also use apex spindles in srx short spindle trailing arms. viper and rx1 spindles will also interchange minus the snap ring.
the cranks that go on the fine spline are different between the viper and the 4 strokes, though they are the same between the apex and rx1

drop brackets decrease the handling of your sled on the trail, and in the powder will make it hook better. Your only going to a 144 so my guess is your not off trail that much. I wouldn't bother if your going to ride on trail mostly.

if you are going to drop the back, you definately will want to raise the front as the sled is going to rake down and really look like you just blew your shocks
won't drop the back end.It will be the stock SXR long travelled shocks in the skid.I want to use the sled for more deep snow when available.When conditions are hard pack,I will ride the SRX,but if we get a blast of snow and it fills in ..then would use the SXR with the 144 to play in that stuff.
Looks cool with drop brackets,but don't want to make sled more tippy then I have to..but maybe more tippy helps in the deep stuff to help shift the sled side to side to carve..I will just keep it stock height with the 144.
bluemonster1 said:
how did you find that..interesting.Ok so viper spindles and cranks are required and I would gain about an inch if need be.Here is the thing,if I go with Simmon's ski's as an example,I will drop down,so gonna have to do this mod to bring her back up again.Or I will have to look for a ski that won't drop the height.I still would want a 7 i width of ski at least.What mount system do the C&A razors have??

The mount height is pretty much the same as a viper saddles ski, maybe a touch higher.
Hey Doug.. Want me to bring my Viper buy so you can measure and check.. Got the motor out of her now but easy to load.. I am pulling the front end off soon to get powder coated could compare then. I do have a spare trailing arm right now as well that you could check.. It is the M style..
Cam thanks for the offer.If I don't use the drop brackets,then rear will remain stock and front should be ok,probably could gain some height with just the right style of skis. Thanks.Sounds like you are really just giving her with your Viper.Man you'll have a nice and fast sled next year with a 780 in there as well.
I hope she tuns out Got all summer to play with it. If you need any measurements or need to compare parts I can bring by. You enjoy your project. I am still riding with the snow we have, figure a couple of more weeks. The Venture is getting a good workout
and the forecast calling for another Alberta Clipper to come through..from 5 to 15 cm's of snow Friday into Saturday...where is Spring.A ton more for the people South of us..can I say FLOOD for sure bet... :o|
