Throttle Wire


New member
Jan 24, 2009
Clarkston, MI
Just might of finnialy noticed this. This is the wiring coming from the throttle I believe the service manual calls this the carburator switch. Are they suppose to be connected to each other like this and is this related to the TPS. Here is a pic.

Looking at the wiring diagram this is suppose to be pugged in and it ties in W/ the Engine stop switch and the Throttle switch.
You should find a matching set coming from the carbs. The 2 sets are suppossed to be connected together to complete the TORS circuit. One set comes from the carb switch (mounted at the idle stop) and the other set comes from the throttle block (the go flipper). In it's current state the TORS system is disabled. Basically this system keeps the sled from revving enough to engage the clutches unless the throttle lever is being pressed in a normal manner. It can keep a stuck throttle cable or carb valves from causing the sled to take off without a rider and cause damage to the sled or people. For this reason it is a good idea to have them hooked up correctly.
Ya did some searching. I'm going to hook it back up. My throttle cabe seems loose enough just don't know if the switch is bad or good as it has been bypassed since I bought it and never checked it. I'm going to have to tear apart the harness to try to find the wiring as I cant find the other 2 connecters. Well it's going to be a full day on the SRX now, as I was only going to make a TPS testor and adjust the TPS. But it looks like I will be fixing the TORS too. Then it's almost ready to get put away.
Finially found the wires. I have pretty much undone the entire wire harness to find them. The previous owner disconected it and wrapped it back on itself and taped over it just like I have it in the picture. He must of never wanted the Tors to be reconnected. What a PITA

