So I was cleaning up my sled today and noticed that on my belly pan there are some light blue color spots that have started showing up and Im not liking it. has anyone found a way to get rid of these spots or have any ides?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
If they are from impact/flexing you can heat them up with an actual heat gun or if you got a HOT HOT electric hair dryer. Sometimes the color is 100% restored, at the very least it should be alot less noticeable. Works on dirt bike, quad, 3 wheeler plasctics too!
that sounds good I got a heat gun that worked good for getting old stickers off etc, so I'm gonna give that a try tomorrow thanks man.
Active member
Good tip! I was just about to order some new plastic for my sled, I'll give this a try first.
Active member

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well good to know that worked Im gonna try and do the same thing once it warms up a little hopefully. never heard of using paint thinner to help get the grime etc off, also what is this tuff stuff, is it just like a heavy duty degreaser?
Active member
You could also use a degreaser to clean off the grease/grime, paint thinner does the same thing. Tuff stuff is just a multi purpose cleaner, it really doesnt do much for removing grease though. you can buy it just about any place, wal mart, fleet farm, advance auto, they all have it. It's basically just an auto interior cleaner but will clean just about anything, and is fairly cheap.
Well didn't get to work on the sled today thanks to this scrappy April weather! So hopefully gonna get to it tomorrow, I got some belly pan cleaner that I will be trying but got some exhaust stains that might take a little extra effort so just might have to try the paint thinner and hope that does the trick.
Life Member
the heat gun will work on light color differences one time, after that, it start to look funky. The best fix I have seen so far is to tap up everything, prep and paint with medium gloss vinyl color from dupont.(other companies should have an equal) This looks great and if it is scratched or rubbed, it is not noticed.
Nice well it worked on a few miss colored areas so I think I will look into getting some DuPont paint. unfortunately I also have a few small gouges on the belly pan just under the clutches but Im guessing theres not much I can do about that.
Active member
Have you looked into getting new belly pan sections? I was just looking on and you can buy each panel for around $75 each
I've looked at the classifieds here from time to time but I figured Id need the whole bottom piece. thanks for the tip I've never heard of that place but will look into it that's not a bad price!