SRX vs SX in oil consumtion


Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Channaho, Il.
My Sx 700 drinks oil. The oil pump is set to the recomended spec. The last time out it ran 25:1. Just as a reference my 2002 SRX runs between 75:1 and 100:1. Any body know what ratio its supposed to run? Should I adjust past the factory spec?
My MM drinks oil too, that is, with a new oil pump and the setting leaner than recomended.
Yamahasrx700 said:
My Sx 700 drinks oil. The oil pump is set to the recomended spec. The last time out it ran 25:1. Just as a reference my 2002 SRX runs between 75:1 and 100:1. Any body know what ratio its supposed to run? Should I adjust past the factory spec?

I would shoot more for the 50:1 used versus a measurement. Thing stretch/shrink and can throw measurements out of whack. As well as I beleive they are designed to go full bore when they are on the way out, If you adjust leaner and usage stays the same might be time for a new pump.
The oil pump simply works on a ramp where there is a low mixture rate, a high mixture rate, and a transition (ramp) between the 2. The cable adjustment setting simply sets the throttle position where the ramp-up begins. While very useful as an indicator, the usage rate varies with throttle position. Say someone runs mid-range and below most of time - they will use a lot less oil then someone who run above mid-range to WOT most of the time. It is true that when these pumps fail they simply stay on the high mixture setting. Flow rate of the oil used, condition of the fuel pump, and overall cleanliness of the oil lines factor into the equation as well. I always like to check how much swing is left in the arm (what the cable measurement does) at WOT just for peace of mind. This is especially helpful when dealing with after market cables.
When the SRX and then Vipers were first introduced , one of the selling features Yamaha promoted was a "New Leaner Oil Pump" giving less and more precise oil useage...this was in reference to a comparrison to the "Red Head" tripples oil useage.

One reason you never hear about crank problems on SXs or SXRs is because they typically do use a lot more oil then SRXs and Vipers.

When trail riding, my 2002 SRX will use very little oil even with the oil cable adjusted as rich as will run @ 100:1, which I think is not enough oil, so I add a little oil to the fuel tank when I refuel to be on the safe side.
I read in a sled mag that a readhead motor will use twice of what a viper does.
