SRX not running right


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Central Wisconsin
I have 2000 srx, it runs good and has good power on take off but feels kinda doggy when you want to open it up. It's getting spark on all 3 cyls and the compression was good on all 3. Not sure whats going on, I just bought the sled and this is the first time I had a chance to get it out. Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be?
I did notice something with the servo housing, on the back side where it bolts to the sled, there are two mounting tabs, one tab is broken off so it is only being held on by one bolt, so the servo is kinda loose. could this have something to do with it?
X2 on loose servo being a culprit. Put it on a stand and open it up. Valves should open about 6500. Any rotational movement in servo motor is that much your valves arent opening!
I just looked at it again, there is one bolt and a zip tie holding it in place, there really doesnt seem to be any rotational movement, it's just a little loose. The guy I bought it from said that he just cleaned the valves, and the cables look like they were recently replaced. I took the power valve cover off, reved it up while watching the servo, the servo did turn so I know thats good, and the cables look to be adjusted properly. It almost feels like its not running on all 3 when you open it up, and it almost has kind of a sputter too. all 3 plugs are firing. I did notice that the 3 plug caps didnt match, one looks smaller than the others. This is my first SRX and I really don't know much about these so I really appreciate the help!!
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Have you cleaned carbs? Did it sit for any amount of time while for sale? Ethanol is some WICKED CHIT when it has a chance to turn into jelly balls in you carbs. Could have plug cap issues, especially that ones an odd ball. NGK replacements are cheap and work well. Alot of guys have posted with random weird phantom issues that at a last ditch effort changed caps and cured problem. ALOT of little variables. Keep tinkering and reporting back.
I havent cleaned the carbs yet since I just bought it, but the guy I bought it from told me that he cleaned them last fall, kinda hard to believe though since the outsides of the carbs are very filthy looking!! I did notice that it had BR9ES plugs in it, and it calls for the BR9ECS, not sure if that would matter though. 2 of the plug caps look like OEM, they are rubber, the odd one is smaller and is hard plastic, looks like something you'd see on an a lawnmower! lol
Some guys say there no big differance in ES versus ECS....I AINT ONE OF THOSE GUYS! I will admit to using the ES when fogging or wrenching on a SRX but if I plan on rideing it it will have ECS (or better...theres a IX for irridium). I would be changing that "lawn mower" cap. Is it a NGK? I use NGK but they are the right ones for SRX. I would also be cleaning those carbs. I myself was intimidated at first but with the tech section write ups (print them grubbycomputer) with pics and LOTS of other threads. Does it run any better 1/2 choked? A dirty carb will burn down the cylinder its feeding. I clean carbs pre-season and will re-peat if sled has sat for a month or so. When you done with it for the summer PLEASE for the love of all things a can or two of fogging oil into it!
I've had a 700sx for over 12 years now so I do know how to clean carbs, I do it before every riding season, sometimes more. All 3 caps on the sled are NGK. What do you suggest I use for plug caps on the SRX? It doesnt seem to run any better on 1/2 choke. I will be fogging it for sure, everything I own with an engine gets fogged before storage! I'm thinking part of my problem with this sled is that I was running it in above freezing temps. My sx runs fine in the warmer weather but I have that leaned out a bit, SRX could be running a little rich.
