Hammer Down
After my bike sits for extended period oil will burn off the top of the exhaust. I believe it is coming from the decompression. There is no considerable loss of oil when checking tabe Dipstick.
sounds like you have it. might be the valve cover as well but my money would be on the decompressor seal.
Hammer Down
Is replacing the decomp. seal an easy fix? Bought the bike in 2003 and only thing I've done is fork seals and tires. Great bike!
do not have a wr but on the xt350 it is not too bad. on the xt it can be done in the bike.
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New member
Im not familiar with the 400 but on the early 450's I remember guys having issues with the decomp plug thats inthe front of the head right above the header. Some cases it blew out of the head and you know what that means, i believe there was a billet plug to replace it..... again im not sure if the 400 has the same design or not...