My newest addition


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2009
Northwestern Ontario
Came across this Apex Attak with very low miles on a rediculously low price and decided to finally get a four stroke.
Now the work begins...


I guess we loose any member to the 4 stroke side...can't believe you are going 4 stroke but good luck.It is heavier then the SRX so you better start to drop the weight on it..I will stay with my 2 smokers..I like old least no more power valves to worry about for
bluemonster1 said:
I guess we loose any member to the 4 stroke side...can't believe you are going 4 stroke but good luck.It is heavier then the SRX so you better start to drop the weight on it..I will stay with my 2 smokers..I like old least no more power valves to worry about for

Nope...not done on the 2 stroke side. I rode this new Apex all one day on the lake while I still could...nice sled but my SRX is still my Fav. I have my SRX right where I like it and if I can cure my power valve breaking issues with SS I will be primarily riding it.

As a point of interest...I ran the Apex on the GPS a few times, into and downwind.
116 on dream meter...103 on GPS
My SRX is easily faster and lighter then this sled.

This APEX is a project for me and will probably take a few seasons before I am happy with it.

Yes the rear flap is pretty chewed up from the 136" fully studded ripsaw that is currently on this first task will to ditch the studded track for a full clip unstudded Cobra.
hey I see you still have some snow Bob...supposed be getting 10 -15 cm's of snow in Dauphin area tomorrow and we are to get some wet snow as well and in to -3 daytime.This is really crazy weather and tomorrow is my B-day and don't ever remember snow on the ground or snowing on April 30..The Red rRiver climbed 6 5 feet over night so now as of 6 pm tonight they will be raising the flood gates and then start to flood us faster...I guess they(THE CITY) wants to have their walkway clear at the Forks..that is all they care about.They still haven't compensated the people from 2011 that were sacrificed to save many..people are protesting in Portage and placing tractors and trucks near the Portage diversion so that they won't open their gates..a war is brewing with this stupid NDP Government we have here..
if you know about Bob 's tradition..he will be pulling that whole Attack apart piece by piece and bolt by bolt and then put it all back together with some new additions.Good thing when he buys a house he doesn't rip the house apart..lmao
northern srx said:
Congrats on the purchase, can't wait to see what you have in store for this sled! Are you posting your build on the 4-stroke side?

I haven't thought about it yet...we will see how it goes.

I will definately be working primarily on the clutching and fuel injection and ignition timing maps initially. Dynojet PCV is on its way.

The sled has a Bender exhaust on it that I find too loud...going to install a stock APEX Mountain exhaust, seat, and rear rack.

I have already started to collect parts...these Apexs are kind of like our SRXs...lots of used stock and performance parts available.

I won't be happy with this sled until it out performs my SRX!
I really think you have the best sled Yamaha ever made(SRX) period..but you can always try yo make one better..don't think you will beat the SRX(this doesn't include a turbo or anything like that) good times and good luck Bob..
bluemonster1 said:
I really think you have the best sled Yamaha ever made(SRX) period..but you can always try yo make one better..don't think you will beat the SRX(this doesn't include a turbo or anything like that) good times and good luck Bob..

As long as I can keep it ahead of the Yamacats...I will be happy.

I believe these Apexs are going to be an end of an the VMAX4s and the SRXs.
