Does your sled have a special place in your garage that othing else should ever occupy? Some people buy and sell on a regular basis and some trade yearly but do you have a sled you just couldn't part with? For me it's my 98 SRX, I have had a lot good and bad experiences with that sled and even though it's cost me a lot of money over the years I just couldn't bear the thought of selling it or parting it out.I have updated and changed things to the point it's a very nice riding sled now so why spend $14000 when I have as much fun on this one, and it doesn't cost me a cent.
Active member
Throughout my life I'd get a new sled every year, sometimes every other year. Back in 01 I bought my first yammy triple, 97 vmax 700, still have that sled to this day and will never ever part with it. It's been pretty much trouble free since day one, only major issue I've had was a stator going out about a month ago. I recently bought a 2000 SRX to add to the yammy triple collection, don't plan on ever selling that one either!! 

my 2001 SXR600 is never going to be sold since I did the 144 mod to it now and my 2002 SRX700 is also staying put and going back to basic stock form .The triples are awesome motors,love these sleds.You can toss the new ones in the garbage for the price they are asking and they aren't any faster then a good running SRX.People should be keeping their SRX's as it was the best sled they produced ..

Super Moderator
My vipers will never be sold. Really my first big sled projects and diving into the meat of a sled. I feel like im part of them. God knows ive left enough blood, sweat and tears in them.
I get attached to most of my things...every time I sold something I have and still regret it.
I have had to build a seperate extra large garage to house all my old toys and misc parts.
I still miss my 1969 Z28, 1970 Mach 1 Mustang, my Trans Am, my 1972 750 Kawaski tripple[my first tripple that started the addiction] and my 1979 SRX...should never have sold any of them!
I have had to build a seperate extra large garage to house all my old toys and misc parts.
I still miss my 1969 Z28, 1970 Mach 1 Mustang, my Trans Am, my 1972 750 Kawaski tripple[my first tripple that started the addiction] and my 1979 SRX...should never have sold any of them!
You could never pry my vmax 4 from my cold dead hands.
Bluemonster1 has obviously never owned a vmax 4 as these were the best sleds ever produced by Yamaha. Just funning with you Blue
Bluemonster1 has obviously never owned a vmax 4 as these were the best sleds ever produced by Yamaha. Just funning with you Blue
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Yep hooked on mine for sure. Would like a new one but don't want to buy a test machine for the industry.
I also would like a new one. to many problems though. and they sound like lawnmowers. I love it when one of my buddies gives me crap about riding an old sled, then later on they are on the side of the trail with their hood up. 200$ dollar belts and 150$ fuel filters!! no thanks' I will keep my OLD, RELIABLE, and FAST sled. plus blue is my favorite color.

yep I don't understand them $200 to$260 belts..I am sure it only costs like $10 to make a belt..the mark up is nuts..and lots of cheap plastics on the new sleds also with bad fit.
New member
I love my MM. That being said, if they come out with a new mountain sled, and all my wishes are met (500lbs or less dry, 160+ hp without a blower, all yamaha components with quality fit and finish, no ice build up in the tunnel, etc. etc.) then I wouldn't be that sad to see the old heap go. I'm not against 4 strokes, I just havent seen one yet that I liked, for boon-docking anyways.

not attached to mine at all. Love them all but any of them could be sold tomorrow. want one? lol
Keeping my SRX
I've bought my 2001 SRX in 2003 with only 1300 miles on it. I've spent a lot of time and money on it just trying all mods that that everyone on TY has written about. Hard to part with it after all the time and miles spent with it. It's my old buddy.
That said, I bought a 2011 Apex XTX and much prefer to ride it over the SRX. The SRX has a Don Pizor port job, heel clickers, ohlins, roller clutch, 136", on and on etc...and my Apex will spank it any day. At 9,000 miles on the SRX, I went all through engine three years ago and it only has about 200 miles on it since I got my Apex.
All the nay sayers of the 4 strokes don't know what you're missing. The Apex has 4,000 miles on it compared to 200 on the SRX. It's still fun to take the SRX for a spin once in a while but, it reminds me how much better the 2011 & newer Apex is.
I've bought my 2001 SRX in 2003 with only 1300 miles on it. I've spent a lot of time and money on it just trying all mods that that everyone on TY has written about. Hard to part with it after all the time and miles spent with it. It's my old buddy.
That said, I bought a 2011 Apex XTX and much prefer to ride it over the SRX. The SRX has a Don Pizor port job, heel clickers, ohlins, roller clutch, 136", on and on etc...and my Apex will spank it any day. At 9,000 miles on the SRX, I went all through engine three years ago and it only has about 200 miles on it since I got my Apex.
All the nay sayers of the 4 strokes don't know what you're missing. The Apex has 4,000 miles on it compared to 200 on the SRX. It's still fun to take the SRX for a spin once in a while but, it reminds me how much better the 2011 & newer Apex is.
I love my old viper. even though it is in the trailer and the motor is int he garage in pieces, I wont get rid of it. I would love another sled, or a new sled, but still would probably keep the viper. had it since 1.3 miles I think it was
little over 9k now
little over 9k now
sideshowBob said:snip - 1972 750 Kawaski tripple[my first tripple that started the addiction] snip
I had one of those along with a '73 Suzuki a/c 550 and 750 Water Buffalo which hooked my on 2 stroke triples.
I still have my '69 Cuda but almost sold it a few times. It's going to junior when he's old enough to drive it... without crashing which may not be until his thirties if he's anything like his old man.
New member
I will never part with my 02 srx it's the best sled I have ever had my buddy keeps telling me that I need to buy something newer but why I could just do alil something to this one and beside I think he just wants me to get rid of it so I don't beat him anymore haha
I have 2 SRXs now and would love to find a 97 V Max 4 to add to the collection,I've always enjoyed the sound of that 4 cylinder engine.Just sends a tingle up the spine whenever I hear one.An 02 SRX would be nice too,that was what I thought I was buying last fall but the sled ended up being an 01 and if it hadn't been ported and had a few other goodies I'd have left it.