I am building my dream machine that is on the top of my bucket list. It is a 94/ 95/ 96 Vmax 4 that I'm building for asphalt racing. I have been working on this for 2 and a half years as time and money permits. It is a running joke when I talk about the race track with my friends as they say " Sure it'll be on the race track this year" lol
I have spent a lot of time experimenting and learning the proper procedures for polishing cast aluminum. 90 % of all cast parts on my sled are being polished, the rest are being powder coated in candy purple and black. The sled is completely disassembled and I have a few more parts that need to be powder coated and polished.
Sent the crank out and found out today it needs a complete overhaul so it should be done in about a week. The picture of the motor is just the shell, it isn't built yet.
I also received my custom headbolts that came from Chicago. The head bolts I will be using are for a custom motorcycle and you will see them when the motor gets built. I will be picking up some more parts that I had custom made in the US shortly. So I will add more pics as we start getting parts and putting it together.
Hope you enjoy.
I have spent a lot of time experimenting and learning the proper procedures for polishing cast aluminum. 90 % of all cast parts on my sled are being polished, the rest are being powder coated in candy purple and black. The sled is completely disassembled and I have a few more parts that need to be powder coated and polished.
Sent the crank out and found out today it needs a complete overhaul so it should be done in about a week. The picture of the motor is just the shell, it isn't built yet.
I also received my custom headbolts that came from Chicago. The head bolts I will be using are for a custom motorcycle and you will see them when the motor gets built. I will be picking up some more parts that I had custom made in the US shortly. So I will add more pics as we start getting parts and putting it together.
Hope you enjoy.
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Downloaded pics they don't seem to come out in the order I put them in, sorry. Here's some more
Yamaha Nutz
New member
that is just down right sexy ..........the purple looks like candy ........
New member
WOW! Amazing man very nice. I'm in process of polishing my tunnel on my srx. Any tips or secrets you'd want to share in the polishing? I can't wait to see finished pics
99srxracer as far as the tunnel goes, once you have the paint stripped off take 0000 steel wool and rub till your arm falls off, then put a buffing wheel on a drill and some aluminum polish and have at her.
Good luck with your tunnel.
Good luck with your tunnel.
Active member
Mothers mag & aluminum polish works great for stuff like that!
New member
That is gonna be one purty machine.....nice combo
Turch- I have faith you are going to finish this beauty but think you are going to keep it in your living room! I know it's not going to be used on the grass! Those head bolts are really cool!
I am out on this one, good luck to all you guys.

WOW, that is really looking sharp.
Active member
Glenn (Turch) is an awesome guy with equal tallents.
His family has suffered a major trauma and his son is in pain.
Here is the link.
Please read and put them in your thoughts/prayers.
Then go give your kids a hug.
His family has suffered a major trauma and his son is in pain.
Here is the link.
Please read and put them in your thoughts/prayers.
Then go give your kids a hug.

Thanks for posting that Phil.
If you get time to read this Glenn, I wish Cody, you, and your family the best of luck with this. We're all thinking of you guys.
If you get time to read this Glenn, I wish Cody, you, and your family the best of luck with this. We're all thinking of you guys.
Glenn, I've been in your sons shoes. 8 broken bones, plevis in 3 places, torn aorta, wheelchair, etc. Im not much good right now (besides praying for you guys), but let me know if there is anything i can do from here. I've been down that road, so dont be too shy to ask.
Thought's and prayers to you and your family

I had no idea. Thoughts and prayers go out to Cody and his family.
Cody is doing well, he still has some pain but not to bad, he had all of the tubes removed from him and he said he feels better
Thank you for posting guys
Thank you for posting guys
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New member
Great to hear my prayers are with you
Yamaha Nutz
New member
wondering why you said you where out of the summer build ............my prayers go out to your son , you and the rest of the family .......hope for a speedy recovery ....
New member
My prayers and hopeful wishes go out to your family. Be strong and you all will get through this. I know I'm going to hug my son just a little bit harder tonight when I see him.