ok so Im about to flip the front shock brackets and I know u have to swap them side to side and flip upside down. The thing is I took the shocks and brackets off like a week ago and didn't label the brackets. So I was wondering if anyone has pics of the brackets flipped so I can see how its supposed to look? thanks
I have done this to my 98 but don't have any pics unfortunately but they should only fit correctly one way so if you can determine which one is which and what side they're supposed to go on then your half way there.When you flip them you will have to use a washer under the lower hole to correct for the way they are bent from factory and you will also have to use a grinder to knotch them a bit for the top of the shock to fit right.This you will see when you get them in there.
alright thanx fourbarel Im been working on it this weekend and started figuring it out, it took me a bit to figure out what goes where since I dont have any pics of before. But I think its coming together now..