working on my SRX

no it was leaking before fogging it.It has to be a line or something.Hope it isn't around the oil pump,not easy to work there.I put a catch container under the sled where the leak is.I want to see what the oil looks like in color and smell.ATF has a distinct smell and should be Red in color.Otherwise it may be YamaLube dripping down.
Sound like the oil line to the pump maybe, there's also an oil line on the bottom of the crank case that goes to the oil pump, it's held on with crappy compression hose clamps, wouldn't be surprised if one of those lines either slipped off or has cracked. I think if one of those leak the nearest exit might be around the chain case.
well I'll tell you..I will not be very enthusiastic to want to lift or remove the motor to see..I am going to monitor the level in the oil tank and see if it drops a lot in the next 5 months..and gather oil in a container that drips down to see if it is the 2 stroke oil..which it probably is. :o| :o| :o| #$%&*
Just rebuilt my whole engine, I put new lines on everywhere just to avoid this situation. A lot easier with the engine out than on the trail.
I removed the motor mount and followed the lines.nothing is loose or cracked from what I can see.But still have oil on the floor from sitting there.Still have to investigate more,but it is to hot to do anything..100 F here all next week.Guess I will have to wait to see the temps in September before I will work on it.Something tells me I will have to lift the motor with the winch and take a look under,, :o| :o| #$%&* ..have to also change my jackshaft because of the loose bearing that caused wear on the shaft and clutch wobbles now. another piece of #$%&* to never ends.
If there is a lot of snow this season,I will be on my newly long tracked(144) SXR600 more then ever anyways.
Should have just sold it blue!

Still have to put mine all back together, it's in a pile of parts right now
