So I have a lead on an '07 attack skid I'd like to put in my viper. It has the electronic shock and is in need of a little TLC. Can a viper run the electronic shock? If it cant, are the skids the same so I could just throw in a manual shock? Im not real sure about the 4stroke stuff so any help is apprecitaed.
Thanks, Jason
Thanks, Jason
Skid is the same. You'll need the dial, cable, and shock from a standard. You CAN get away without the cable and dial though. You'd have to adjust the shock with a small screwdriver or some other tool. I gave up on the cable in my 06 after replacing the 3rd one. Just sealed the threaded collar that attaches the cable to the shock. If I wanted to adjust it, I'd remove that and adjust the shock. Once you find the sweet spot, you'll likely leave it there.
Thanks Dave. So you are saying that the elec shock will not work?
Oh, it'll work. But it'll be stuck on whatever setting it was on when removed from the donor sled. I'm fairly sure the shock can be modified for manual adjustments. Just not sure of the cost. Bjowett on the 4 stroke side has done some custom work for a few guys.
I was investigating that EC shock and IIRC there is an outfit mentioned on the 4 stroke side... They can be converted. I was going to dissect one, I would imagine there is simply just a stepper motor on the shock that could be replaced with a knob. There is a NOS ohlins EC on eBay JD with the controller. It can be retrofitted to the 2 strokes as it uses an independent controller. And given yours is an ER it would be cake to toss it in.
Im leaning toward selling the ECshock and just getting the manual shock and leaving the remote cable adjuster off. Find the right setting and leave it there... IMO, that will be worlds better than the setup I have now. Granted, the ECshock/controller install might win me the "Summer Project Contest" along with the other changes planned.