OEM SRX skis or Apex dual runner style skis?


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Central Wisconsin
Just wondering what would work better on an SRX, original skis, or dual runner skis off of an Apex? I bought a 2000 SRX this spring and it has the dual runner skis on it now. Just wondering if I should keep these skis or find a set of the original ones.
depends on what you want to do with the sled. if you are looking for the best cornering than like said above use the dual runners. If you're looking for straitline ET's or top speed keep the SRX ski
the dual runners really grab instantly in the corners,but noticed there is a lot of friction with them in straight line running.I sold my dual runners and went back to stock skis with 6 inch 60 degree runners..works good.
The dual runners can also fill up running straight and cause them to float. I also removed my dual runners from my Apex and went to curves.
