hobbies, interests and passtimes

Anything to do with cars. trucks, or anything with a motor. We have a used car lot in DDerry, NH. so there is always something to do as far as fixing on a car-
I love cutting grass and landscaping, fishing, the great outdoors, spending time with the family....and sleddin! I sure do miss my trail bike at times.
Well here we go, snowmobiling, 4 wheeling, fishing, boating, bow hunting, rifle hunting, rc cars, Totally Yamaha :), football, working on our 60 acer property. Got to love the outdoors!!!!!!!!!!
anything powersport related and with wheels plus the usual dangerous reckless stuff that the closer i get to bein hurt the bigger my grin gets..weird Also take a quite day out in the shed to pick something apart and inspect it, see how it works and so on.
Funny thing for me is I'm not much of a sled rider! Did a lot of riding back a few years ago but now I've got the performance bug. I can spend hours on hours thinking of ways to gain a bit of speed or acceleration. Doesn't matter what it is car, bike, sled hell even my golf cart! Spend a lot of time trying different things. It's the challenge to get better that drive me now!
Always busy doing something. Small engine repair, Home improvements, Riding my motorcycle, target shooting, Fishing, Camping when time allows, Drummer for 20+ yrs. and of course sledding. On days like this when it's 90+ degrees, wishing it was winter.
sledding, atv'ing, motorcycle riding, hunting, fishing, going to camp and repairing said items or related equipment.
Lots of summer fun, BUT WINTER IS BETTER... Golf league on Monday nites, Volunteer fire Dept. training on Tuesday nites, help my buddy with his dirt Modified on Wednesday nites, dirt track racn on Friday nites.. As you can see my wife hates summer cause I am always gone doin somthin... Oh yeah cant forget my 2 Boys, oldest plays Legion Baseball, and the other plays Travel ball on weekends.
