How to remove side belly pans?


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I just looked through my whole service manual and cannot seem to find out how to remove the belly pans on each side- Is it a easy job?
I took a quick look and it looks like I will need to get the replacement rivits from Yamaha or Partzilla, also is there a special rivit gun?
You'll probably want to buy a pneumatic riveter if you have an air compressor because there's a lot of rivets to put in and they're all 3/16 steel too.It's not that a conventional rivet gun wont do the job but it'll take longer,your arms and hands wont stand to pop too many of them steel rivets in a row before needing a break.
No need for a pneumatic rivet gun unless u use a rivet gun a lot. I'd never go buy one just for this one job its not that bad. Get a buddy and you can trade off and on.
For the $34 for a air rivet gun at harbor freight you can't go wrong. I'll never hand pull a rivet again. Plus the gun gets the rivet way tighter then you can do by hand IMO.
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jay87lx said:
And they are opening a HF 5 minutes from my house!!!!
Do you have a PN for that Rivet gun?

Is this it or do I need the 1/4"

That's it. And I use my coupon you get in the mail. You don't need the big one. The only 1/4 rivets on the sled are the ones that mount the trailing arm bracket to the tunnel at the foot rest. You will not have to mess with that at all. I've been using mine for 2 years and still going strong.
Awesome, now I am just waiting on Ding to get back to me about the rivets
JDViper said:
Air chissel works too if the panel is no good. Scratches the plastic some.
You mean to remove the old rivets? If so I would normally just drill them out
Snapped a few pics today, starting to clean it up- Took the PV's out, a bit dirty but no pull throughs- Overall a nice sled.
I took the pipes out and will polish them, I also took out the hauck can and will put a stock one back in

