"Summer Project Contest" 02 SRX HID Projector Headlight Install


Active member
Oct 16, 2008
Sunderland, Ontario
For this summers project I have decided to install hid projector headlights in my SRX to get maximum light output and to increase the bling factor. I will also need to fab a mount for my battery which is also needed for the electric start. Below is a list of headlight components I will be using.

Morimoto Mini H1 six.0 Bi-xenon projectors
Morimoto 3five 4300k H1 bulbs
Used sled start slim ballasts (for now)
Used sled start relay harness (for now)

I will post pictures shortly of all the new components and also some progress shots of separating the headlight lens.
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northern srx said:
Good to see your still modifying! We will have to compare notes come the fall! CHEERS!
Haha yah I couldn't just let it sit all summer, oh and you reminded me, I need to look at my ignition wires as well and find where the break is that caused my no spark issue.
Here are some pictures of the headlight lens taken off, also the last few show the projectors being installed. All I need to do now is align the rotation of the projectors and then put the headlight lens back on, and then it's on to wiring.

It's been delayed a bit because I have been working on the rest of the sled. Needed to pull the engine to tighten my steering up and change my oil pump. Should be working on it in the next few weeks though. I will try to post up some pictures of the lights fired up in the next few days.
Finally got some progress on these lights, I run a small headlight retrofitting business so I have been doing a few cars and trucks lately, but finally SRX time.

I took a few pictures of the light output as I was aligning the projectors. They are just up against the garage door about 15ft away. You can see how colourful and sharp the cutoff is and how there is no glare above at all.

You can also see how the LH side is lower than the RH, I think this is due to the headlight design and I couldn't get them to line up without doing some serious cutting. I actually like it though since it will help keep any light away from oncoming riders and will still give me good output to the right side.

chris700readhead said:
Looks awesome. How much are you gonna have in it?
Thanks, my kit wasn't complete since I used some parts I had laying around but the full kit would be $270. If you already have an hid kit then you just need bulbs and projectors which would be around $160.
staggs65 said:
Man I need to do that to my Viper. The older I get the more I appreciate good lights at night. Looks good!
I know what you mean, I have this same kit in my truck and light output is amazing, almost like driving in the daytime.

I will post pics for you guys as soon as I get the headlight installed in the sled.
