Part number for genuine clutch puller


VIP Lifetime Member
Oct 31, 2006
Anchor Bay, Michigan
I loaned my puller to a friend who then loaned it to someone else. To teach my friend a lesson, I want to purchase another puller and hand him the invoice.

Anyone have the part number for a Yamaha puller?
thats # i have. a puller for a srx will remove alot of yamaha primary's off alot of different yamaha models. another words you could of walked into a dealers and bought a puller that would work on a 4 stroke, or a srx. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Thanks for the replies.

I visited a dealer near work and after waiting 20 minutes for the fumbling counter guy I gave up. The number he had was neither YS39962 or YS01881-1/YS01882-1 which I found in my '01 shop manual.

I did find out that K&L is the mfg of the tool, or so said the counter guy.

Thanks again fellas.
I intially bought one from my Yamaha dealer that worked like crap so
I got one from micro Belmont and that one works great.
