Yamaha shows Vmax-4 skins are discontinued. Is there a source of new uhmw polyethylene insert type ski skins or old stock?
New member
1994-96 vmax 500/600 will work. Only availible in red. I just got 3 sets for my sleds.
1994-96 vmax 500/600 will work. Only availible in red. I just got 3 sets for my sleds.
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Active member
i believe any that are not yamaha fit over the ski and look oversized, not tucked under. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I have a pink (92) NOS new pair I would sell or trade for red pair. Send me PM if interested. I could have sworn eBay and Dennis Kirk had sno-stuff black or red that fit in but when I search now I can only find the wrap around ones.
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Found these Sno-stuff inserts (Black/Red).
I remember reading a post that stated Sno-stuff made the NOS inserts?? Not sure if accurate.
I remember reading a post that stated Sno-stuff made the NOS inserts?? Not sure if accurate.
New member
I just got nos ones from a place by my house pink they had red also
New member
And I know they wanted like 50 or 60 bucks maybe they can ship I don't really know