Blocked piolet orfice


New member
Mar 19, 2013
What is the best way to clean the pilot orfice? Center carb doesn't get alot of cleaner through it like the other 2 carbs.
I would try one of them torch bit cleaning tools can't remember what it's called at the moment
Small piece of copper wire from some stranded copper power wire. If you can let it soak, go to Napa and by a carburetor cleaner 1 gallon paint can... it has cleaner and a small basket or you can use an ultrasonic cleaner. Are we talking the pilot orifice on the pilot or the orifice on the carb body?
needaSRX said:
I would try one of them torch bit cleaning tools can't remember what it's called at the moment

If you do this BE CAREFUL! The ribs on the tool can and will elongate the hole and ruin the pilot. I got a piece of super fine stainless wire I use, I keep it in my carb cleaning tool kit. X2 on soaking it, need to be clean as a whistle.
Wire, carb cleaner, air compressor... repeat. Then 2 more times just to be sure. It a lot of pissing around the second time because you took the easy route this first. That is experience talking... :)
MrSled said:
Small piece of copper wire from some stranded copper power wire. If you can let it soak, go to Napa and by a carburetor cleaner 1 gallon paint can... it has cleaner and a small basket or you can use an ultrasonic cleaner. Are we talking the pilot orifice on the pilot or the orifice on the carb body?

Orifice where the pilot jet goes into on the carb that sprays up into the round section of carb
JSTYER said:
Orifice where the pilot jet goes into on the carb that sprays up into the round section of carb

Try the wire method or you may have to rip it down and soak it or ultrasonic cleaner isnt as harsh on the rest of the carb body.
