I know that there's a Duplicolor number in the tech pages for the Ohlins yellow and the trailing arm silver but I'm having an issue finding those paint colors.The only Duplicolor retailer around here is Canadian Tire and their stock isn't large enough that I might find the paint I'm looking for.The yellow is the one I'd really like to find because I have the trailing arms painted a different shade of silver anyway that's readily available but if I could get my hands on the yellow I could get the springs done.
Has anyone got any other paint codes from another manufacturer?Bearing in mind that here in Canada we don't have the selction of stores that carry paint like in the US.My local auto parts store has PPG paint but I've been told by some guys around here that the paint isn't very good as in it doesn't cover well (no body to it) so I'm thinking there must be different grades of paint from maunfacturers.
Has anyone got any other paint codes from another manufacturer?Bearing in mind that here in Canada we don't have the selction of stores that carry paint like in the US.My local auto parts store has PPG paint but I've been told by some guys around here that the paint isn't very good as in it doesn't cover well (no body to it) so I'm thinking there must be different grades of paint from maunfacturers.

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If your just looking for a rattle can job I know cub cadet yellow is a dead on match. I buy the touch up spray canat home depot and it holds up great. I'm sure any cub cadet dealer can get it for you. Also I have a can a member had mixed up for me at my cabin. I can check for numbers but I won't be up there till labor day weekend if you can wait.
I do remember reading that cub cadet yellow is a match but my avenue of tracking that down around here are pretty limited too.We have a Home Depot in the closest city to me but I haven't had the chance to check their paint stock.
I did a search for cub cadet yellow paint and there's 2 different paints with different part numbers but not sure if they are the same shade of yellow or not?One is for 1960 to '89 and the next one goes from 1990 to present.Has anyone had experience with these and which one did you use?

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My cub cadet tractor is is a 2000 something model. So my paint is from the 1990 to present era.