VMax TORS Problem

Todd Anderson

New member
Dec 14, 2003
I bought a 1994 VMax 600 last year and am having trouble with the Throttle Overide System (TORS). The sled runs fine for a while, then will not accelerate. After letting it come back to idle for a minute or so, it will accelerate ok. The problem repeats consistently during a ride. Does this sound like just an adjustment issue or could it be faulty equipment? I appreciate any input.

Todd Anderson
Janesville, WI
Hi Todd,

I just had a simular problem. The TORS was intermitant.
You can check your switch with an OHM meter. Connect the meter to the switch and operate the throttle. the switch should be zero ohms with the throttle not pressed, when you hit the throttle it should read infinity (high) resistance. Check it a few times. Mine worked sometimes and somtimes not causing bad idle and no power. You cna try cleaning the switch but that did not work for me.
Hi Todd,

I just had a simular problem. The TORS was intermitant.
You can check your switch with an OHM meter. Connect the meter to the switch and operate the throttle. the switch should be zero ohms with the throttle not pressed, when you hit the throttle it should read infinity (high) resistance. Check it a few times. Mine worked sometimes and somtimes not causing bad idle and no power. You cna try cleaning the switch but that did not work for me.
Hi Todd,

I just had a simular problem. The TORS was intermitant.
You can check your switch with an OHM meter. Connect the meter to the switch and operate the throttle. the switch should be zero ohms with the throttle not pressed, when you hit the throttle it should read infinity (high) resistance. Check it a few times. Mine worked sometimes and somtimes not causing bad idle and no power. You cna try cleaning the switch but that did not work for me.
I had the same prob with mine. I got so sick of it I simply unplugged it. The sled ran great after that. Just connect the harness side of the wires and leave the it unpluged at the sensor
Leaving your TORS disconnected is not a good idea.

close your eyes and picture yourself riding in a fresh fallen snow having a blast. Enjoying the trails and deciding to do a little of road in a litlle deeper snow you hammer down on the throttle and your carbs freezes up or your throttle is stuck...OH S&%# your TORS it what just saved you and your machine from hitting all the trees ahead......you can thank yamaha latter for putting this safety on the machine.

Just my thought!
I've been riding two season's with the TORS jumped out. No problems.
If it is so important, why doesn't eveyone do it.
Yamaha went the extra step to insure the riders safety as well as others around them.
Other manufactures should do the same if they do not currently have these safety switches.
You can do as you please but for me and I am sure many others on this site disconnecting the tors is not an option.
