Viper with 97 sx rear cooler clearance questions


New member
Oct 10, 2008
I was just wondering if you would need some sort of cooler protector for running studs. The cooler is quite a bit smaller than the srx style and I can't recall if people put rear cooler protectors on the 97 sx 700.

No protectors required with that cooler. It is possible that there could be slight contact with long studs depending on the hit you will take but it won't do much damage. There were never any protectors designed for the SX yype coler.

Yes.... Unless you want it to overheat when studs make a hole in the cooler... I have a Viper with a M-10 no studs and still hit the rear cooler with the track, but only when getting some air... Tunnel protectors are also a must! You will tear up the tunnel! And might as well add the front protectors also!!!!
Should depend on the height of the lug of the track and length of studs, but the rear coolers usually arent the ones to worry about its the front cooler that usually takes a lot of abuse.

I run a 97 vmax 600, which I added a 99' sx 700 cooler to (had lying around figured why not) I run a 1" lug camoplast track with 1.075" studs and have never had an issue.

My buddy whos sled I store is a 99' sx 700 with the stock rear cooler, he runs 1.25" lug with studs (never checked length) and he hasnt had any issues either.

Both sleds are running the standard tunnel protectors that run along the top of the tunnel, both sleds also use the standard drivers. Also you dont necessarily need "tunnel protectors", I made mine out of .5" aluminum tubing and they work great.

I should add were not easy on our sleds, we use them for trail riding, lake running, trail breaking and the occasional ditch banging.
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