Tempa flow...... Who's still using one?


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I ran one of these units on my sled for a few seasons but after going through too many burn downs caused by the temper-mental nature of the system I pulled it off.Yeah having spot on jetting is nice but the idea of having to let the unit cool down when you stop or risk a lean burn down is a pain and this very thing happened to me 3 times until I figured out that was what was going on.

When I'm riding and do happen to stop I don't always sit for any length of time as would be required for the Tempa flow unit to equalize it's temperature to the outside air,and as such I pulled it off.

Those of you that still use these have you found a better way to mount them to avoid or at least minimize the affects of temperature equalization when you stop for a short period of time?
