How Can I Remove My Front(main) Hear Exchanger


New member
Jan 7, 2013
Im working on a project for this winter and the chasis does not have a main heat exchanger. I have a spare sled i ripped everything out of for parts and i drilled out all the rivits but it still does not want to budge! HELPPPPP!
P.S. 2000 SXR
:sled1: :letitsnow :2strokes: :yam: :dunno: :o|
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Have never changed one BUT have heard you need to spread the tunnel just a tad. Using a port-o-power or bottle jack. Some bottle jack will only work vertically, Meaning sled will have to be on its side. Only go as far as you need to release cooler, may help to do the same putting it back in other sled.
Thanks again! Found out i have a bender racing clutch on it as well. must have came with the sled. anybody know how to determine what one it is?
Did what everyone said. Still seems to be hung up. I DONT GET IT! all rivits are out and nothing is attached. could the inlet and outlet holes tubes for the coolant be bolted to someting or held up? Anybody have a microfiche of it?
You never changed it because its not good procedure and also its not easy job to changed parts..I hope you will know well knowledge...
What I've done

I've done about 5 of these. When the tunnel and everything is still together sometimes they can be really tough to get out because of burrs on the edges of the rivet holes combined with the fact that it is just a really tight fit. I tried spreading the tunnel with a jack and it didn't help me either. It will cost you probably 20 or so more rivets but what I have done is take out the aluminum piece above the heat exchanger. It's the one riveted to the top of the tunnel, the sides of the bulk head and the lower piece that the sway bar runs through. If you drill out all those rivets and remove that piece the heat exchanger will lift right out the top of the bulk head. This will also make it extremely easy to reinstall. Also....with all the new rivets in there your sled will be much tighter when the job is done. Try will cost you some rivets but the job will be really easy.

