so today i bought 6 in carbides for my 01 SRX. after i got home i found out my skis had 8 in carbides. i have 144 pics down the center, and i do a majority of my riding on the lakes. i have looked up some stuff about balancing studs with the carbides, but couldnt really find anything for an SRX, do you guys think ill be ok, ir should i return them and get 8 in?
I used to run 8" carbide, Seemed to have alot of "bite". I switched to 6" last year. Easier turning, more than enough "bite". I run 144 studs inside and outside combination. Al
+1 ^
I went back to 6" just for the steering effort, felt like I lost 50lbs off the front. Well maybe not that much lol, but sled felt lighter.
I went back to 6" just for the steering effort, felt like I lost 50lbs off the front. Well maybe not that much lol, but sled felt lighter.
alright sweet, thanks for the replays, my 8" ones are still good, i just thought that since the skis were off, might as well change them. if the 6 " feels funny, i can alwasy go back. thanks again guys