A bitta' polish!


New member
May 2, 2005
Labrador City,Canada
Figured Id get ahead of the game and start stripping the paint on the srx for polish for this winter. got a few things coming for her in the mail, getting excited... Polish = love

Excuse the state of My garage, I just moved in. :winterrul
Wow that looks awesome. How did you do it ? Did you use some clay on a buffing wheel with some clay ? I was thinking of doing that to my Viper.
Mothers aluminum polish and rags. I did it all by hand, once to strip the dirt off with the polish then a second coat to get the nice finish. Found it hard without taken out all the rivets but satisfied with it! Once you do the hard work the first time it takes half the time to get the shine back once dirty.
Get the mothers polish ball or cone. You just hook it up to your drill and done in no time. I always give mine a fresh finish at the beginning of the season.
