front suspension rebuild


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
Ok so Im in the process of going through the front suspension of my srx and Im trying to get together a list of what I all need. After looking through old posts Im going to order the 8 plastic bushings for the radius rods, and was also wondering if I need to order the 4 collars that go inside the collars? Are there anu other parts I should replace due to wear and tear?
ok sounds like a good idea. So besides the bushings would u replace the 4 collars as well? Anything else I should be replacing while Im at it? thanks
Chances are that if the bushing are wore out then the collars are too, I alway change evrything at the same time and I also added zerks too.To be sure you have the best/tightest fit of the components replace any and all related parts, if for nothing else you'll have peace of mind. Read btv's thread about tightening up everything too it helps take any play out of the front end.
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alright fourbarrel I remember glancing at btv's thread but this was the info ive been looking for. So gonna go read that thread again an then order some parts. Thanks,again ;)!
Since Ive been going over my front suspension, I know this may seem like a dumb question but how do u know when u need to replace your ski bumpers the big pieces of rubber underneath your skis?
If they are original i would anyway. They get soft and indented over time. I would shim the bumpers also while your at it. Easy way to get rid of darting.
good point super1c I was looking them over tonight an yep they look smushed down and flimsy so Im gonna order 2 of them. and I was reading up about shims the other night and it seems people have only good things to say about them. Did u make your own or get them through bergstroms?
Both. Before i ran bergstrom tripple points i made my own. I used old hyfax, aluminum flat bar, just about anything will work. Guys even use old belt, the Key is the size. You want it to be about a 1/4" thick and about 3/4" give or take long. The width never seemed to be a issue just so they are not wider then the bumper. Very easy to make and make a night and day difference on darting. I use the bergstrom ones now cause he sends them with the carbides along with ski savers. Not sure if you read this write up or not yet but very good.

Another good one, pg 4 on how i made my aluminum ones like daman did.
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I actually didn't read that write up yet so I will def check that out. Im on a mission this season to get my sled set up to handle good so Im trying to get as much info on all this as I can. I appreciate all your feedback. Ive been hearing a lot about bergstroms triple points and it sounds like there the ticket.
