I wanted to bleed the air out of my coolant. I jacked up the back and blead it with no problems. When I removed the bleeder bolt on the head nothing came out even after running for a few minutes. Whats the deal? also I noticed that on all my sleds (vipers) all of the coolant knobs on the head are in the "off" position. Is there a reason they are all off and if so when do I want to teurn then "on".

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You did it right by bleeding the rear. The front is what i call a "fake" bleeder. You can bleed from there but it is near impossible to do. That valve even when new was a bear to move. That on off valve is supposed to pull out just a hair so it will let the air/coolant bleed out of hole. You will never have to use it and it dosent work anyway. If you bleed from the rear you will be all set. That valve is the carb heater valve. I alway leave mine on unless its way above freezing. May different opinions on when to have it off or on so i alway leave it on with no problems. Key when bleeding is after to make sure the heat exchangers all get warm which means the coolant is circulating fine. Then just top off if low.