Which spark plugs should I get?


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I have a 98 srx 700 and I need to replace the spark plugs. I saw a few posts a long time ago about the best spark plug to get for the srx and now i cant find the post. So which spark plugs should i get?? I think the post i saw the person recommended the iridium spark plug because it doesnt foul as easy and last longer??
My 98 ran BR9ES, my 02 takes BR9ECS, must be a difference
My 98 600 ran the BR9ECS. Was the recommended plug no fouling. You can run the BR9ES in an emergency but I would stick with the ECS
Don't buy the plugs from a dealer, shop around. I paid $5.50 a plug last year from a local chain of stores.

And only run NGK BR9ECS. Stock plug. As stated earlier you can run regular BR9's in a pinch, just don't make any top speed passes on the lake with prolonged WOT. Your pistons will thank you.
BR9ECS is what is supposed to be used, they hold their heat range better than regular plugs so you wont melt down or burn down on long full throttle pulls, i actually called NGK and asked what the difference was
YIKES, does no one do top end runs with their SRX's here? I ran BR9EYA, and it melted a piston. BR9ECS is only way to go with on a SRX.
