Anti stab kits

Personly could never get those small wheels to stay on the sled.Might be ok for trails but after a day of lake running they would be gone.Just have the oversize idlers now and dont have any problems going more than a season on the slides.

An anti-stab kit won't really do anything on a pro action sled, especially one set up for lakes. They are more meant for machines with tons of transfer or where the rail tips are really close to the track. Or both.
I installed a set on my Viper, they seemed to help with hyfax wear. I also run bigger idlers from OFT racing. Where is the hyfax wearing? What size lug track? Track too tight?
Good guess^^ I find the track skips too much so I run it on the tighter side, my hyfax was recently bought new and installed with 300 km and already starting to turn flat just in front of the first wheel. I will be doing lots of Lake running this year

And they were underneath a horrible condition 1.25 rips away, which later tore off.
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I will run it looser this year, if a new track can't help me run a looser I may have to switch out cogs for anti slips. But I imagine that the track I cut off was very old and stretched lol so I may possibly be able to run looser.
Check the condition of your drivers while you're in there. If they were ratcheting a lot, they may be toast. In that scenario, you might as well have extrovert drivers pressed on. You would have better luck keeping the wear down at the bend in the rails by adding the marginal snow wheel kit just ahead of the front idlers.
These sleds always wear down the hyfax real quick at first and then they stay there forever. If you're going to be doing "lake running" as in long high speed races you don't want extroverts.
