removing paint from windshield?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Seacoast NH
Anyone ever tried removing the original paint from a windshield? Got a Cobra on my Viper that is starting to flake off. I'd like to strip it and repaint if possible.
Paint stripper, it comes in a spray can. Any local home hardware store should carry it or a Canadian tire. It works good, fumes are a bit intense tho lol. Also works good for pesky stickers. Just bubbles and falls off. Just don't spray it anywhere near painted objects. Lol
I just did mine. I had the OEM clear/blue for my 2000 SRX, someone painted the outside black. I used the paint stripper but it was a little rough on the plastic. I had to spend hours wet sanding and buffing to get it looking decent again.
I would say so the paint stripper will mess up the plastic pretty bad I wouldn't do that. Have you thought about trying a power washer you said the paint is starting to flake see if you can't get it to blow off with a power washer but be careful just an idea
The paint stripper isn't too bad if you don't leave it sit too long, which I did. I've heard of using brake fluid too, that will loosen the paint but shouldn't hurt the plastic.
I used carb clener once to remove a registration sticker from a clear windhsield. It fogged it up... are you guys saying I could have polished it out?
You possibly could have, as long as it wasn't fogged all the way through the plastic. I started wet sanding with 600 grit wet dry paper, finished up with 1500 then buffed the scratches out with buffing compound.
My buddy bought a zrt that was green but painted black. We used paint stripper sprayed and wiped rite off. Cant let it sit for more than a second cause it started bubbling the plastic
I put the stripper on my xp to take off factory decals, left it on for about 5 min to get it bubblin then I just pealed off all the stickers then wiped off the remaining glue with Citral. Love that stuff
Thanks for your experiences guys. After a little research last night, I may try some nail polish remover without the acetone in it. I like the pressure washer idea, that might just work. The paint stripper sounds like a hit or miss. I'll let you know how it goes. Plenty of prep work to be done on the sleds before cosmetic stuff happens.
Thanks again :carbs:
I think if you get through the coating and the paint it will mess up the plastic as well mineral spirits will not mess up the plastic but may not remove the paint give that a try
Brake fluid works excellent for removing paint from plastic. I did this on my windshield. works like a charm and will not damage anything
Snowplow said:
Brake fluid works excellent for removing paint from plastic. I did this on my windshield. works like a charm and will not damage anything

Hmmm...... I may have to try that one. Just wash it good with soap and water after?
Anytime I've ever worked with brake fluid, whatever I'm working on looks like a patient prepping for heart surgery. Never wanted to take the chance of ruining the plastic.
:carbs: :letitsnow
