New member
I am looking at getting a rail extension kit for my vipers skid. My question is what would be a good kit to look at and is it even worth it to do a mod like this to my machine or just look for a newer long track sled. Any input would be helpfull.
Backwoods M Max
New member
How long do you want to go? Are you trying to turn a trail sled into a mountain sled? or are you just trying to go from a 121 to a 136 and get a little more track on the ground for rutted up trails? To turn a trail sled into a mountain sled, there is a lot more than just the longer track, you need to convert to the longer travel mountain skid, and longer travel front suspension. You will also need to gear down in the chain case and do some clutch tuning. You will also need to change your track drivers to clear the taller lugs on the track up front. In short, if you want to get a longer footprint then tracksusa makes the best extensions and harman makes the best tunnel extensions. tracksusa will sell you the rail extensions for a deal if you buy the track from them.
New member
I'm trying to get it to perform somewhat better so I could go through powder without burying the machine. No serious off trail riding but it would be cool to try Some powder riding.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Pretty good detailed thread about going longer. The "tipped rails" sound like what you need to me. The extensions are slightly tipped up so on the trail it corners/handles more like the 121 but off trail behaves like a 144. Tracks USA has the whole deal as a kit. BlueMonster went this route with his SxR too I believe. With some wider/better flotation skis should belike a whole new animal in the powder.
Pretty good detailed thread about going longer. The "tipped rails" sound like what you need to me. The extensions are slightly tipped up so on the trail it corners/handles more like the 121 but off trail behaves like a 144. Tracks USA has the whole deal as a kit. BlueMonster went this route with his SxR too I believe. With some wider/better flotation skis should belike a whole new animal in the powder.
New member
Unless you plan on going out west, you should be good with a 136. Definitely get some wider skis for off trail/powder riding.

Super Moderator
I vote for the 144" and the tipped up rails. Its a world of difference and it handles like a 121 on the trails. 136 is better then the 121 but 144 was awesome off trail and on!

Super Moderator
Stock drivers, gearing, and clutching. Very easy way to get what your looking for.