Wife is gonna kill me

I picked up a 98 600 hood in a box lot of parts. Put it on my 99 700 that's fairly well dialed in. PISSED QUITE A FEW GUYS OFF letting them think it was a 600.
You guys are killin me. I didn't even pic the sled up yet. Now I'm thinking about tearing down a fresh rebuild for some Tim the tool man Taylor more power. Damn it! :)
More info. Talked to the guy this guy bought the sled from. Both work with me. Anyway. This guy is mr meticulous so I really feel good about this sled now. Not that I didn't before. But yes. This sled had a whole new bottom end from yamaha at 1000 miles. And after a power valve malfunction in the middle cylinder the entire top end was redone with all brand new yamaha parts 1200 miles ago. It will need at the very least new rails for the skid due to wear through the hi fax and ultimately the rail. The good news is I believe I have a whole new skid for this sled at home already that I bought for my 96 vmax but never did the upgrade. So I'll go through this skid. Swap them out and viola. Hammer down!
So the sled already has a maxximum performance clutch kit on it. From what I gather they are out of business. I do have some paperwork on it and it has the following.

Stock weights
4.5 inner rivet
3.1 outer rivet
Maxx red primary spring
Msr8- progressive helix
Green secondary spring
60 degree 3-3 secondary setting.
Says shift rpm at 84-8500

I'll have to take a look tomorrow and see what other markings are on the helix.

Anyone know if these setups are any good? I may start gathering a few things to convert to Turks trail setups unless this current setup isn't that bad. I have all the stock clutch parts as well. What do you guys think?
you should ride it the way it is first then make changes to see if you like it better or worse after the changes, make note of the rpm and so forth and how it backshifts,etc. Then you have something to compare it to after you start messing with it.
I will. I just like to gather info. Luckily I already have a bender 53/43 helix in case I want to change to the Turk setup. I'm sure I'll just leave it alone. It'll be fun to ride as is I'm sure
