Can someone post pics of how they trimmed the foam on their boss seats. i'll be ordering one here shortly but don't know how to go about it. I'm very nervous about cutting into the stitching on the seat to trim the foam then sew it back up.

Super Moderator
With the new ones you shouldn't have to. I did not with mine from last year. It was only the ones made when boss decided to let china/ japan (?) Make them for a year or so. Mine were mad back in USA and they were perfect.
We have 4 Boss seats, not one has any foam which needed trimmed. Very happy with all. Al
Here is a pic of the new Boss seats fit .I never trimmed any foam on this one.
I had purchased an offshore made Boss seat the yr B4 and had to trim it to even come close to fit being acceptable. The new Boss seat was from 1st yr they moved production back to USA .... so maybe fit is even better now .... I am curios to what you find on your Viper ....
I believe there is still a zipper where seat butts up to tank that you can unzip if you need to trim some foam ..... the old style did ...

I had purchased an offshore made Boss seat the yr B4 and had to trim it to even come close to fit being acceptable. The new Boss seat was from 1st yr they moved production back to USA .... so maybe fit is even better now .... I am curios to what you find on your Viper ....
I believe there is still a zipper where seat butts up to tank that you can unzip if you need to trim some foam ..... the old style did ...

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New member
I just installed a new boss seat on my SRX and fits great. No need to trim IMO.