99 mm exhaust drill


New member
Oct 3, 2012
looking to "drill" the stock exhaust on my 99 mm have no idea how its done looking for some pointers i am sure there is a post about this somewhere but i cant find it lil help please

cut and pasted

Silencer Boring

Here it is in a nut shell how to bore out your stock silencer on a SX, SXR or any 600/700 triple based on the SX motor.

Hear what it will sound like now

(download the file and replay it to enjoy full sound)

First the things you will need

1. you will need a good drill
2. 2" metal hole saw (see pic below)
3. 12 inch drill extension
4. A magnet on a stick (like in car parts store) could come in handy
5. needle nose pliers or visegrips

OK first thing is take the springs that hold the can in place off with the
pliers. Then take the can out and turn it up side down, the exhaust pipe that
goes through the belly pan is where you will be drilling. Put the can on its
side in a vise with the exhaust port pointing out the side. Take a light and
look into the can, you will see a flat baffle plate inside. This is the
plate you will need to drill, this is the only baffle you need to drill.
Take your drill, extension, and hole saw and insert it in the exhaust hole and
drill. It will take some time and patience to drill through, but it will go.
Once through, if you're lucky the piece you drilled out will remain in the
hole saw. If not turn can right side up and shake it till the piece falls
out the bottom, or take the magnet and try and fish it out. Next just
reinstall your can, and enjoy the sweet sound and free HP.

pipebore.JPG (54364 bytes) pipeboortool.JPG (64188 bytes)

From Maxdlx

Totallyamaha is not responsible for any damages that these modifications may cause to your vehicle; any modifications are your responsibility if you choose to do so. We are providing information ONLY. Some of these modifications may VOID your warranty and that is your responsibility to look into. The Totallyamaha users have passed along most of the information found on this site. If you have any questions or concerns about anything on this site talk to your dealer before using any of the information. Totallyamaha will not be liable for any damages or personal injury from any modification performed from this site.
