My stress reliever


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
After the past couple of days I was in need of some stress relief so I decided to head out to my shed and do some more work on my 01 SRX.I managed to get the bumper braces bolted down,exhaust back on,coolant tank back on and the carbs back on.All that's left to do is find the screws for the airbox,put that back on and get some fresh supreme in the tank and fire this thing up.Might save that for the next time I need a break but I don't know if I can wait to hear that triple music again. :2strokes:
I hear you there. I've been working on my sled a lot lately. I'm saving the best for last. I've got a IQ skid to swap out. Can't wait for some snow to try it out. Those triples do sound sweet !!
