bearing changes


Nov 7, 2013
Madoc, Ontario, Canada
this is my first post on ty. love this site guys.
ok so i bought my first triple this summer. a 2002 sx viper. its got 16,000km on it. the previous owner said it needs axle and jackshaft bearings. i got a smoking deal on it. i bought the bearings and seals last week and started to work on it last night. the last guy changed the speedo side axle bearing. i was listening to the track go around last night and it was making some dirty grolwing noises. so i tore it down. my jackshaft clutch side bearing was crooked looking. so this is my question. is the jack shaft suppost to have a groove a bout 1" wide about 1.5" from the bearing holder on the clutchside. its right around where the set screws are suppost to sit. is the shaft muffed up or did the bearing walk out. ill post a picture when i can. :winterrul
sounds like the set screws were loose and the bearing went for a run! if you need a shaft, there are lots of parts on this site.
I recommend purchasing the OEM set scres from Yamaha, they have a nice sharp point on them that I don't know the aftermarket ones have (I've heared people claim the aftermarket ones loosened up on them). They're only $2/each. The bearing is around $30 from Yamaha so I'd probably try an aftermarket bearing if I were to do it again. Yamaha sells the screws separately.
barkerman77 said:
Do you guys think I can rebuild it with weld and machine it down? Cheaper alternative

Yes it can be done that way. If you have the equipment, it can be done quickly and easily and the cost will be almost nothing.
barkerman77 said:
Do you guys think I can rebuild it with weld and machine it down? Cheaper alternative
If your doing it yourself or having a bud do it then most certainly have at it.I had a friend of mine do this to my axle shaft a couple of years ago.
I bought new bearings already from Yamaha. The set screwss have a ball point on the contact end. I can't see how that grips the shaft. I can't post pics from my phone but I'll add some here from my computer.
Do you guys think I can rebuild it with weld and machine it down? Cheaper alternative

if you weld the shaft up and remachine it will break right there where you welded it. Because youll have softened up the metal with the welding. the shafts are heat treated and welding it up will make it softer and it will snap right there. I used to machine the jackshafts in the old days to accept a differnt clutch then the old yamaha ones, they would almost always break after a awhile of hard use right where you did the welding, its from metal fatigue.

as cheap as you can get another shaft here(usually about $25 for good used) its not worth the time or hassle to mess with it. When they do break it can then wreck the front clutch, rear clutch and the bellypan and guard..................
Oh they do very well. Use locktite, not really to hold them in, but to keep the water out so they don't rust in place forever
I bought new bearings already from Yamaha. The set screwss have a ball point on the contact end. I can't see how that grips the shaft. I can't post pics from my phone but I'll add some here from my computer.

Yamaha set screws PN 90113-06006 come with a point on their end have a Torx head. I'd use these for sure and a lot of the low strength purple loctite (isn't the red loctite non-removable?)
Yamaha set screws PN 90113-06006 come with a point on their end have a Torx head. I'd use these for sure and a lot of the low strength purple loctite (isn't the red loctite non-removable?)

Ive always used red on these bearings without problems and they come off for a cleaning and regreasing every year. If they do get a hair stuck hit them with some heat but ive never had to.
