Handlebar riser?


New member
Nov 23, 2004
Can anyone tell me what the biggest handlebar riser is that can be put on a stock 02 Viper with out having to mess with the throttle cable or any other control cables? If anyone can recommend a brand that they have had good luck with that would be great...

2 " is it with out cable extentions , you will need to reroute your cables but no big deal ...as far as brand goes ???
i dont know that one , i would GUESS same thing , but someone will be able to tell ya for sure ..
I put a 2" powermadd on my 99 SRX. No extensions needed but throttle is adjusted all the way out now and it did some TORS issues. Dave
Do a search on this site. This question is asked all the time. There is one guy with an SRX that sucessfully put a Powermad 2" with the pivot for a total of 3 1/4" and did not have to change cables. He ran the throttle through the middle of the air box. I have a MM with a 2" no probs,just a little cable rerouting. Soc
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I put powermad non pivot riser 2" on my 98 srx and no trouble after 600 miles. I would question any bigger due to the tension your cables would be under when turning. Just make sure your cables are running down the middle gap in your air box. This will releave the tension for the 2"
I have 2" riser on viper with bars all the way forward, just make sure when you turn to the left the cable is not rubbing on the bolt sticking out through the bottom on the right. I had to drill two small holes in the plastic and put wire tie to keep the cables all the way to the front, same thing on my wifes viper with 1" inch riser.
I bought an isovibe kit from grip and rip. i love it. it lifts the bars aprox 2 inches and mounts with polyurethane bushings. it actually moves to absorb shocks and vibration.
check it out at www.gripnripracing.com
So I have a 2" riser and my throttle is hanging at idle and I am burning too much oil. I suspect I have some issues. My throttle cable seems fine. The carbs seem to be closeing up when I let off the throttle. The carbs may be out of adjustment. The oil pump cable is really tight. How should I re-route the cable ? What do you mean about the bolt? Which bolt are you refering to Nodoo S ?
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Buy throttle and oil cables off of a 2002 mm and you wont have to worry about them anymore. they are less than $20 each.
When you guys are talking about running the throttle cable through the air box, are you bending the 90 deg. metal part and straightening it out some? After looking at mine, it doesn't even come close to lining with the slot(way lower). The instructions in the tech section on this doesn't address this or show pictures on rerouting the cable through the box. I have a 2" on my MM, but want to set mine up like his with the pivoting bottom increasing the lift to 3.25" Is the guy(mountainSXr), who wrote it still around? Soc
