Parking brake springs


VIP Lifetime Member
Dec 10, 2009
Can someone post me a pic or pics of there parking brake springs?
I am not having a good night
Oh man you didn't take that apart did you?That can be a real bear to get together if you didn't take notes or pics how it come apart.If you can wait til tomorrow I'll see if I can get a couple of decent pics off my 01 and try to explain what I see and how it goes together for ya.
Those springs suck!!!lol , just put mine back together a few minutes ago. Luckily I had my other sled sitting next to me so I could look at that to see how it goes back together.
AHAHAH, sorry for the laugh. last time i did mine i almost cried. never again. ill dig out the parts diagram.
Ok, so it took more than a few mins. Had to put the kiddies to bed and then my phone started actin up....anyways hope this helps! Now I think there are 2 pictures where I have a slot screwdriver pointing at 2 different places....well that part of the spring needs to be up in that little groove....other than that, it's together the way it should be.
Awesome thanks!!
No wonder I couldn't figure it out my top spring is bent
Thanks a lot
I will make it work now
