New member
I have a 98 srx 700 and for the life of me i cant bleed my brakes! I tried doing it like u would on a car but when i crack the 2 bleeder valves, nothing comes out of the nipple. Only time i got fluid to come out was when i took the bleeder valve all the way out and then pumped the brake. This is driving me nuts, please help.
New member
don't worry you're not the only one, they're a bit**! I always have my buddy do mine! give a guy some beer and they're happy, a lot easier!
Try this. Attach a hose to the bleeder and make sure you have enough to get it higher then the brake system on the handle bar. Find some way to attach that to a bottle of brake fluid. Sometimes you can use a old bottle of chain lube with the fill tube. Fill that bottle right full of brake fluid. ( clean bottle first ). Once its full flip over and and make sure tube gets full first then attach it to the bleeder screw. Take cover off brake cylinder to allow air to get out.sqeeze bottle and push the air right out of the brake line. Once all the air is out tighten the bleeder screw and brake cylinder cover. Done. Try that or they also have a one man bleeder tool for brakes basically same thing. Auto store should carry it. Hope this helps.
That should work for you but if you still want to do it the conventional way remember to bleed only one side at a time.I know when I put on my extended line last year it seemed to take for ever to get the air out but give it time.Pump the brake handle a couple of times and then crack the bleeder,tighten it up and do it again and again and again.It will come trust me but do one at a time not both at once.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
The "one man bleeder tool" is pretty handy tool to have. It will work on any brake system and in no time will pay for itself in the amount of brake fluid you don't waste. Its a hand operated vacuum pump. Hook it to the bleeder and it will suck the air/fluid into a cup on the tool.
New member
It sounds like the bleeder is plugged up he said that the only way he gets fluid out is when he take the bleeder all the way out. Pull the bleeder out and check the holes on the bleeder use a small drill bit to clean out the bleeder holes the one on the side and the one on the top this happens on cars sometimes to
Active member
Another thing that makes bleeding real tough on these is a low spot or dip in the hyd line on it's way to the caliper. The master doesn't have enough capacity to push air bubbles through such a dip. Make sure the line has a steady down hill to the caliper and they will bleed much easier/quicker,
Once bled a low spot won't be any problem.
Once bled a low spot won't be any problem.
if you have ruled out the fact the bleeders arent plugged, i have been doing a reverse bleed on the tough ones.
simple theory, hang some fluid above the caliper. i use a cut out ketchup bottle with clear line attached. open the bleeder, remove the cover off the resevoir, and let gravity take over. an occasional pump of the brake lever and you should see bubbles heading to your new fluid as well as exiting the res.
its my lazy way no mess method. mindless entertainment, have a beer and watch bubbles.
simple theory, hang some fluid above the caliper. i use a cut out ketchup bottle with clear line attached. open the bleeder, remove the cover off the resevoir, and let gravity take over. an occasional pump of the brake lever and you should see bubbles heading to your new fluid as well as exiting the res.
its my lazy way no mess method. mindless entertainment, have a beer and watch bubbles.
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New member
Thank you very much guys!
New member
Did you figure out what the problem was?

Did you figure out what the problem was?
yeah, you can't just run off without an explanation. Whatever worked could help somebody else in the future
New member
The bleeder's were plugged solid, cleaned them out and then brakes bled with ease. Thank you everyone for your input
New member
The bleeder's were plugged solid, cleaned them out and then brakes bled with ease. Thank you everyone for your input
New member
Sorry for the delay, i just got around to doing it today.