? about carbs


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
Ok so last night I wanted to finish cleaning out the carbs on my srx and last thing I did was clean and set the fuel screws. well I was using the carb cleaning write up from Mrviper and it worked great for my first time doing this. Except I remember it saying be careful when cleaning the fuel screws which I was but then on the middle carb when I was putting it back together I had the screw and the little spring, but found that I was missing the tiny copper washer, not good. Then on the last carb I had the the fuel screw, the spring, and the copper washer. but while I was looking inside the fuel screw hole in case the other copper washer ended up in there I noticed that way inside theres a little rubber ring that the copper washer sits on top of, but upon closer inspection I saw what appeared to be a little piece of that rubber ring was missing. I checked the other ones and both of those rubber rings were intact. So I was wondering has this ever happened to anyone, I mean losing one of those copper washers, along with what to do with that rubber ring and how could that have happened?? sorry about the long post
You need both the Tiny washer and the very tiny o ring. I had to order these from Yamaha. You should replace the oring on the needle and seat also.
Yea lost those tiny little washers and o rings my first carb job also. I think its a right of passage, LOL! There should be a tiny black oring that holds the tiny washer on then the spring. Just order some new ones up and a extra to keep on hand. A little trick that always works for me is over time that oring may slip off so before removing tighten the screw down then remove. When you tighten the screw it reseats the oring.
So last night I was taking apart my carbs for the first time and cleaning them. I followed mr.viper write up and everything went good. But then after I cleaned everything out and was putting back the fuel srews with the springs, and copper washers and that's when I realized I had a little problem I was missing the little black o ring that goes in with the fuel screw and spring in the middle carb. ugh I know I aint gonna find it around where I was looking on my sled. So I was wondering if someone could point me to what part it is on the microfiche that I have to order.#$%&*
check if the o-ring is not stuck in the carb.Sometimes they come out and sometimes they remain stuck in there.Take a tiny wire and make a little hook on end and fish it into the opening and see if that ring is still in there.
If he blew air through the passages (which he should have) then they're probably halfway back to Japan. Been there done that too, just like Super1c said in the other thread it's a rite of passage.
that is true then,and Japan can re package it again for sale..lol. For this reason I carry a few of the washers and o-rings as spares..you never know what can happen.
yea I just realized that I posted this twice yesterday when the website was down for awhile. But yes I blew air through the passages so im sure it might be around the garage or back in Japan like stags said lol. Thanks for the hint blue Im gonna try that out today an see if I can fish that o ring out. If not then Im gonna just order a couple new ones to have for spares.
super1c I saw your other post that's a great pointer, then I wouldn't be stuck looking for a needle in a haystack! On the miceofiche does anyone know what number these parts are? Also you guys think its a good idea to order new o rings for the needle and seal as well?
Yes. Replace the oring. If it is bad your carbs can completely drain into your engine and hydro lock it. A friend of mine recently bought a sled that had sat for years. He filled up the gas tank and the next morning his garage floor had 5 gallons of gas all over the garage floor. One spark and kaboom! All beacause a little oring was dry rotted.I just bought these oring and the little one is 3h1-14147-00. The larger is 8f2-14147-00. Please double check the part numbers though and make sure they are correct for your sled.
yea the plan was to finish up the carbs and install back in my sled and put the pipes back in but now I gotta wait sucks. hammerdown thanks for the tip yikes that would not be a good outcome. so Im gonna look through the microfiche and order up those parts so I can hopefully have all that done next weekend.
so after having to order some new o rings for the fuel screws after I had lost one, I got the carbs all cleaned. But I had heard since I had the carbs apart that I should also replace the o rings on the needle and seat. I looked through a parts diagram but could someone tel me where these o rings go?
I looked through a parts diagram but could someone tel me where these o rings go?

One o-ring goes around each fuel inlet seat. To get to the o-ring you have to remove the float (and the needle that comes out with it). Then remove the tiny screw and gently pull out the seat with pliers (it's brass-colored). I wouldn't bother to change that o-ring because I've never seen one go bad. However, you should have already taken it out when you cleaned the screens on top of the seats. If the seat fits tightly when you reinstall it, then the o-ring is okay.
Awesome that answers my question, thanks for the quick reply and for the info. I'm hoping to finish that up this weekend, and then next up is flushing the coolant.
One o-ring goes around each fuel inlet seat. To get to the o-ring you have to remove the float (and the needle that comes out with it). Then remove the tiny screw and gently pull out the seat with pliers (it's brass-colored). I wouldn't bother to change that o-ring because I've never seen one go bad. However, you should have already taken it out when you cleaned the screens on top of the seats. If the seat fits tightly when you reinstall it, then the o-ring is okay.

X2 - I must say that I haven't seen a bad inlet seat o-ring either and agree that a snug fit when assembling is a good indicator it's making a good seal. I do look at it closely for cuts, warpage and cracking; most recently with reading glasses because I'm getting old. The originals are still in my '01 SRX and looked fine last year... with the use of (at least) E10 since new.

I should also say I've cleaned far more round slides that don't have them so your mileage may very and the caution from other posters about flooding from a leaking o-ring are valid but, IMO not common.

Inspecting the needle and the seat for uniform ware/marring isn't always fullproof and replacement may be the only way to rule-out a suspect leaking needle/seat. IOW - I've been burned (mis-diagnose, not on fire - lol) by what I thought were okay.
Well I didn't get a chance to look at the inlet seat o rings this weekend but plan to this week. And like snowmofo said I'm hoping I don't find any surprises. I just wanna get the carbs all done an get my sled all back together so we shall see.
