well after 2 yrs of sitting dormant I finally had my SRX running and had it out for set of grass drags yesturday not many sleds showed up 12 in total, and no stockers just mine so they bumped me up into Improve stock 700 which was fine with me, I didn't travel 3 1/2 hours to sit and watch. After the races were all over I was able to come out with a 2nd in 700 Improve stock with 5 other sleds in the class, I did not enter 800 Improve there were just too dam quick!
I'm going to change back to rubber track now with snow on its way, no more grass drags around here.
I just couldn't get my rpms right they would shoot to 7900-8000 then climb to 8150-8200 @ 500ft pull was good not great needed a couple more 100 rpms
here's my setup
40-10 heelclickers notched 5800 engagement
3.1 gr tip
mid empty
heel, long allen head bolt empty (no washers)
for total grams of 55 -57 didn't have scale
red heelclicker spring
Pioneer billet 50/44 helix
Yamaha Silver @ 70
9811 track with 192 chisels
lowered suspension
hooks awesome, no spin, lifts about 2 inches on take off
140 main jets
needles stock
pilots 50
2 turns out fuel screws
20/40 gearing
here's a video of one of my races
Here's the final for 700 Improve stock
I'm going to change back to rubber track now with snow on its way, no more grass drags around here.
I just couldn't get my rpms right they would shoot to 7900-8000 then climb to 8150-8200 @ 500ft pull was good not great needed a couple more 100 rpms
here's my setup
40-10 heelclickers notched 5800 engagement
3.1 gr tip
mid empty
heel, long allen head bolt empty (no washers)
for total grams of 55 -57 didn't have scale
red heelclicker spring
Pioneer billet 50/44 helix
Yamaha Silver @ 70
9811 track with 192 chisels
lowered suspension
hooks awesome, no spin, lifts about 2 inches on take off
140 main jets
needles stock
pilots 50
2 turns out fuel screws
20/40 gearing
here's a video of one of my races
Here's the final for 700 Improve stock
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New member
Well done. Sled looked good leaving the line! Too bad you had to travel that long for a turn out like that! We stopped drag racing a couple years back for that very reason. Seems to be a dying sport.
My sled ran fastest on the timers about 8150-8200!
Active member
andy if your at 57 grams, thats why your rpm is slightly low. with that said, my 2000 srx on c&H dyno sweet spoted from 8100 to 8600 depending on heat in pipes. the key to these yammie triples bud is hot pipe cold motor. get that sled on a clean out stand if your not already, i bet your rpm will increase some. sled leaves great. 3:16 (yammie tony)
andy if your at 57 grams, thats why your rpm is slightly low. with that said, my 2000 srx on c&H dyno sweet spoted from 8100 to 8600 depending on heat in pipes. the key to these yammie triples bud is hot pipe cold motor. get that sled on a clean out stand if your not already, i bet your rpm will increase some. sled leaves great. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Thats right, you gotta beat those sleds on the clean out like a red headed stepchild, when you shut it off the pipes should be talking to you, going tink,tink,tink, from the heat. When you run them with hot pipes the rpm will rise as Tony said. Best temp is around 70-80 degree coolant with the pipes smokin hot.
When guys bring thier sleds here to tune in, they always jump back when I have them on the clean out stand, they say "man oh man your hard on them"......lol... you wont hurt them on the clean out stand. Clean it out wide open,repeat,wide open, if the tach says 9000rpm, goood!!!! beat it some more and then shut it off till your ready to race(listen for the pipes to talk), youll know about how long to do it once you get the routine down .
New member
Fully agree with the heat in the pipes. I pound my sled on the stand before a radar run. We loses at least a couple mph in 1320 if we leave on cold pipes!
My old cranked up phazer in the early 90's would run 3 mph faster in 1/4 mile radar if I bought it up to the line cold then cleaned it out good and hard before the run than if I just drove up to the line like it was a trail stop.
Active member
YOU SHOULD SEE A VMAX 4, DRIVES ME NUTS. 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
Tony I plan to be running an improver for this season. Any prediction on 1/4 mile speeds with a set up v-max 4 improver?
A video of this proper clean out/warm up procedure would be quite entertaining and informative... just sayin'
Active member
knowing you dan, '' FAST '' thats all i can predict. LOL. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Thanks for the compliments
I'll have too purchase a sled jack stand I guess. The only thing that concerns me is When I had the SRX running 2 yrs ago I was able to pull 63 grams on the heelclickers at the same rpms as in the race video 8150-8200, now I tried that weight set up and maintain a 79-8000 rpms I hope I'm not down on power as I re did the topend from when I last ran the sled. I did check my comp and all 3 were reading 90 psi right after starting and heating it up then shutting off.
I haven't checked the comp since then which was a 5 days ago
I'll have too purchase a sled jack stand I guess. The only thing that concerns me is When I had the SRX running 2 yrs ago I was able to pull 63 grams on the heelclickers at the same rpms as in the race video 8150-8200, now I tried that weight set up and maintain a 79-8000 rpms I hope I'm not down on power as I re did the topend from when I last ran the sled. I did check my comp and all 3 were reading 90 psi right after starting and heating it up then shutting off.
I haven't checked the comp since then which was a 5 days ago
Thanks for the compliments
I'll have too purchase a sled jack stand I guess. The only thing that concerns me is When I had the SRX running 2 yrs ago I was able to pull 63 grams on the heelclickers at the same rpms as in the race video 8150-8200, now I tried that weight set up and maintain a 79-8000 rpms I hope I'm not down on power as I re did the topend from when I last ran the sled. I did check my comp and all 3 were reading 90 psi right after starting and heating it up then shutting off.
I haven't checked the comp since then which was a 5 days ago
First thing that comes into my mind is did you use the same exact helix angles and brand years back and same sec spring?
90psi is pretty low but it could be the compression guage has alot of area like a long hose,short thread adaptor. A good shape srx should have 125psi per cylinder. I am not trying to scare you, I would think its more set up such as differnt helix, etc. then the motor being down on power after you just freshened it up.
Active member
wow andy you swang 63 grams ? sure that sled ain,t 1000 cc. pull a compression test on it cold. and try to get a second tester. 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
I'm guessing you have a different primary spring in there now! The overall weight of the cam arms is not the only factor in shift rpm. The actual cam profile changes this quite a bit as well. It's hard to directly compare one result to another with different cam arms. Check the engine to make sure everything is good. All cylinders being equal I would think the guage is bad unless you changed heads, added gaskets, or had porting done when you did the repair!
Get a gram scale. Very important when tuning.
Active member
A MUST. 3:16 (yammie tony)Get a gram scale. Very important when tuning.
Get a gram scale. Very important when tuning.
You know any of the local law enforcement? I scored a set of gram scales used for,ahem,less than legal activity but am putting them to good use now tuning my clutch weights.Of course I had a cousin get these for me but if you are friends with one of them and can swear up and down that THIS is what you intend to use them for you may be in luck.
First thing that comes into my mind is did you use the same exact helix angles and brand years back and same sec spring?
90psi is pretty low but it could be the compression guage has alot of area like a long hose,short thread adaptor. A good shape srx should have 125psi per cylinder. I am not trying to scare you, I would think its more set up such as differnt helix, etc. then the motor being down on power after you just freshened it up.
When I ran this setup 2yrs ago I used a 50/40 pioneer, now I have a 50/44 pioneer in there now, thats the only differance from the last clutch setup until those racees this weekend other than the weight differance
This what I ran in there 2 yrs ago
40-10 heelclickers
Same Red primary (taken out every season)
tip 7 grams
mid empty
heel 6 grams
for a total of 63 grams 8100-8200 rpms
50/40 pioneer
silver @ 70
19/40 gears
168 chisels
shaved track
140 MJ's
stock needles
50 pilots
2 turns on fuel screws
yeah there is some differance from 2yrs ago as in I bumped up the chisels to 192 and a 9811 grass track and went from 19/40 to 20/40 gearing
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wow andy you swang 63 grams ? sure that sled ain,t 1000 cc. pull a compression test on it cold. and try to get a second tester. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I wish it was a 1000SRX lol
the weights were loaded with 7 tip and 6 heel mid empty