and now it is gone

were there any other new ones listed that you saw?

i hope a new trail/touring sled isnt all they have up their sleeve.
yea it sounds like they are all about stirring some hype among the diehards, lol
You boys learn fast. Keep watching it. It's gonna change again very soon. Oh BTW, the APEX is gonna blow you away :-)
Ah, a little prying on my part. What I can gather is that there will be three new models, and two new skids. I did not hear of ANY two stoke mentioned during the interigation :-)
That's all I wanna say.
Seen the new sled!

Well, it just happened that a Yamaha truck jack knifed out in front of my house today, and when they sent a different truck to pick up the cargo I got to see the new sled. I didn't have a camera so I quick drew it best I could. It's gonna be wild!
